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Safety Assessment

The GSR Part 3 explicitly states that "The regulatory body shall establish and enforce requirements for safety assessment, and the person or organization responsible for a facility or activity that gives rise to radiation risks shall conduct an appropriate safety assessment of this facility or activity.”. 

IAEA-developed training material on safety assessment based on GSR Part 4, which comprises the generally applicable requirements to be fulfilled in safety assessment for facilities and activities excluding nuclear installations, with special attention paid to defence in depth, quantitative analyses and the application of a graded approach to the ranges of facilities and of activities that are addressed. The training material is available for download in English and Spanish.

The training material, including thirteen modules and eight exercises, is useful to employers, licensees and registrants; designated Radiation Protection Officers; to management bodies and their specialist advisers; and to health and safety committees concerned with radiation protection of workers. It may also be used by workers and their representatives to encourage safe working practices.

Approved training packages may be copied, distributed, displayed, incorporated in customized presentations and used for non-commercial use as long as the source of the material is referenced to the IAEA approved training package.

​Training Material

Lectures in English and Spanish

Overview of International Safety Standards

1) International Safety Standards

  • IAEA International Safety Standards
  • Fundamental Safety Principles SF-1

2) Safety Assessment GSR Part 3

  • Safety Requirements related to the safety assessment, established in the General Safety Requirements Part 3

3) Safety Assessment GSR Part 4 (Part 1)

  • Basis for requiring a safety assessment
  • Graded approach
  • Assessment of the features relevant to safety
  • Defence in depth
  • Safety Analysis
  • Documentation and independent verification
  • Management, use and maintenance of the safety assessment

4) Safety Assessment GSR Part 4 (Part 2)

  • Basis for requiring a safety assessment, derived from the Fundamental Safety Principles
  • Graded approach
  • Assessment of the features relevant to safety
  • Defence in depth
  • Safety Analysis
  • Documentation and independent verification
  • Management, use and maintenance of the safety assessment

5) Elements of the Safety Assessment (Part 1)

  • Assessment context. Safety criteria and end points
  • Description of the facility or activity

6) Elements of the Safety Assessment (Part 2)

  • Development and justification of scenarios

7) Identification of Scenarios

  • Events
  • Initiating events
  • Expert judgements

8) Description of the Severity of the Potential Consequences (Part 1)

  • Magnitude of the consequences
  • Analysis of safety barriers

9) Elements of the Safety Assessment (Part 3)

  • Identification of models and data needs
  • Performing dose calculations
  • Evaluation of results
  • Analysis of uncertainties

10) Description of the Severity of the Potential Consequences (Part 2)

  • Risk estimation methods
  • Risk management - decision making

11) Elements of the Safety Assessment (Part 4)

  • Analysis of safety measures
  • Analysis of engineering
  • Compare against assessment criteria

12) Safety Assessment Review Process (Part 1)

  • What is the regulatory review?
  • Regulatory requirements for regulatory review
  • Objective and importance of the regulatory review process
  • Management of the review process

13) Safety Assessment Review Process (Part 2)

  • Conducting the technical review
  • Review team
  • Graded approach
  • Overall process
  • Final review reports

​Exercises in English and Spanish

A) Industrial radiography

Methodology for Dose Estimates in Normal Operation

B) Radiotherapy

Methodology for Dose Estimates in Normal Operation

C) Brachytherapy

Methodology for Dose Estimates in Normal Operation

D) Industrial radiography

Methodology for Dose Estimates in Accident Conditions

​E) Radiotherapy

Methodology for Dose Estimates in Accident Conditions

F) Radiotherapy and Industrial Gammagraphy

Risk estimations. "Risk Matrix Method"

​G) SEVRRA Software

H) Example of Safety Technical Review


Teacher`s book


Student`s book


Teacher`s book


Student`s book

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