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Occupational Radiation Protection in the Uranium Mining and Processing Industry

This particular training course is based on a Safety Report on Occupational Radiation Protection in the Uranium Mining and Processing Industry (SR-100), which has been developed as part of the IAEA programme on Occupational Radiation Protection to provide for the application of its safety standards in implementing a graded approach to the protection of workers against exposures associated with uranium mining and processing. This training packages includes information on uranium mining and processing stages and techniques, general radiation protection considerations in the relevant industry, general methodology applicable for control, monitoring and dose assessment, exposure pathways, and radiation protection programs for the range of commonly used mining and processing techniques and includes eleven case studies for different mining and processing stages and techniques, tailings management, transport and decommissioning. The training material is available for download in English and Russian.

The twenty-three modules (available to download in pdf by clicking on the slides below) with case studies intend to assist regulatory bodies and industry operators in implementing a graded approach to the protection of workers against exposures associated with uranium mining and processing. It may also be used by workers and their representatives to encourage safe working practices.

Approved training packages (available to download as a zip file at the end of this page) may be copied, distributed, displayed, incorporated in customized presentations and used for non-commercial use as long as the source of the material is referenced to the IAEA approved training package.

Training Material

Lectures in English and Russian

1) Introduction

  • Scope
  • Background
  • Participation rules
  • Logistics
  • Objectives

2) Introduction to Uranium Mining and Processing

  • Uranium – A Global Perspective
  • Uranium Reserves
  • Uranium Production
  • Types of Uranium Operations
  • Key Messages

3) Specific Aspects of Radionuclides in the Uranium Series

  • Uranium Series
  • Actinium Series
  • Thorium Series
  • Radiation Exposure Pathways
  • Key Messages

4) General Radiation Protection Considerations in Uranium Mining and Processing

  • International Safety Standards
  • Scope of Regulations
  • Responsibilities
  • Key Messages

5) General Methodologies for Control

  • Occupational Health and Safety Considerations
  • Hierarchy of Control
  • Exposure Pathways
  • Key Messages

6) Monitoring and Dose Assessment

  • Management
  • Monitoring Programmes
  • Dose Considerations
  • Other Aspects
  • Key Messages

7) Exposure Pathways: Gamma Radiation

  • Introduction to Gamma Radiation
  • Control Measures
  • Monitoring and Dosimetry
  • Key Messages

8) Exposure Pathways: Radon and Radon Progeny

  • Introduction to Radon and Radon Progeny
  • Control Measures
  • Monitoring and Dosimetry
  • Key Messages

9) Exposure Pathways: Long Lived Radioactive Dust (LLRD)

  • Introduction to LLRD
  • Control Measures
  • Monitoring and Dosimetry
  • Key Messages

10) Exposure Pathways: Surface Contamination

  • Introduction to Surface Contamination
  • Control Measures
  • Monitoring and Dosimetry
  • Key Messages

11) Exposure Pathways: Ingestion, Wound Contamination and Absorption

  • Introduction to Ingestion, Wound Contamination and Absorption
  • Control Measures
  • Monitoring and Dosimetry
  • Key Messages

12) Case Study: Exploration

  • Exploration Description
  • Aspects of Exploration
  • Radiation Protection Aspects
  • Model Questions
  • Model Answers

13) Case Study: Underground Mining

  • Process Description
  • Mining Methods
  • Radiation Protection Aspects
  • Model Questions
  • Model Answers

14) Case Study: Surface Mining

  • Process Description
  • Mining Methods
  • Radiation Protection Aspects
  • Model Questions
  • Model Answers

15) Case Study: In-Situ Leaching (ISL)

  • In-Situ Leaching Overview
  • Process Description
  • Radiation Protection Aspects
  • Model Questions
  • Model Answers

16) Case Study: Heap Leaching

  • Heap Recovery
  • Radiation Protection Aspects
  • Model Questions
  • Model Answers

17) Case Study: Processing

  • Process Description
  • Radiation Protection Aspects
  • Model Questions
  • Model Answers

18) Case Study: Non-Conventional Uranium Extraction

  • Process Description
  • Radiation Protection Aspects
  • General Rules
  • Key Messages

19) Case Study: High Grade Ore Mining and Processing

  • Process Description
  • Radiation Protection Aspects
  • Key Messages

20) Case Study: Tailings (and other Bulk Wastes) Description

  • Description
  • Aspects of Disposal Facilities
  • Radiation Protection Aspects
  • Model Questions
  • Model Answers
  • Key Messages

21) Case Study: Transport

  • Process Description
  • Design and Operation
  • Radiation Protection Aspects
  • Key Messages

22) Case Study: Decommissioning

  • Decommissioning Description
  • Aspects of Decommissioning
  • Radiation Protection Aspects
  • Model Questions
  • Model Answers
  • Key Messages

23) Information System on Uranium Mining Exposures (UMEX)

  • UMEX – The Idea
  • UMEX – The Design Requirements
  • UMEX – The Design, Limitations and Solutions
  • UMEX – The Response
  • UMEX – The Results
  • Conclusions

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