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Optimization of Radiation Protection

IAEA-developed training material on Optimization of Protection and Safety provides a theoretical basics of the Optimization Principle and illustrates them by presenting nine case studies. The case studies show the implementation of the Optimization Principle for the different exposure situations as addressed in the IAEA General Safety Requirements Part 3. References to the IAEA Safety Standards are indicated in the presentations and additional references are also given on specific issues such as the monetary value of the man-Sievert. The training material is available for download in English.

The training material consists of 17 modules and is mainly developed for the Radiation Protection Officers and the Qualified Experts. The training materials can also be proposed to other targeted people and for all areas where ionizing radiations are produced or used. They are many networks aimed at providing information on radiation protection and, in particular, on the implementation of optimization in different countries and in different areas. 

Approved training materials may be copied, distributed, displayed, incorporated in customized presentations, and used for non-commercial use as long as the source of the material is referenced to the IAEA approved training material.

Training Material

Lectures in English

1) Foreword: Training course on Optimization of Protection and Safety

  • Terminology
  • Background of optimization of protection and safety
  • Clarification of ALARA terms

2) Why Optimization of Protection and Safety?

  • Background of radiation protection system
  • The pathological effect of ionizing radiation
  • International and national regulations, in relation to the optimization of protection and safety
  • Collective dose concept

3.0) Introduction to Optimization Procedure: a few questions

  • Optimization procedure
  • Quantification of external and internal exposures
  • IAEA GSR Part 3: requirement on optimization of protection and safety

3.1) Discovering the ALARA approach through a simple workstation analysis in radiopharmaceutics production

  • Recognition of the problem
  • Performing analytical approach
  • Extremity doses optimization
  • Identifying options and criteria 
  • Criteria quantification
  • Decision making

3.2) The Optimization procedure: steps and scheme

  • Radiation protection optimization approach
  • Radiation protection optimization procedure
  • Relation to the global ALARA approach

3.3) Implementation of the Optimization procedure: a theoretical case

  • Optimization procedure case study in the annual valve inspection
  • Evaluation: the stakes, the exposure situation
  • Identification and quantification of protection options and criteria
  • Analysis of cost and efficiency, reasonability

4.1) Optimization of occupational radiation protection in industrial radiography Part 1

  • Industrial Radiography Principle
  • Application of Industrial Radiography
  • Types of gamma radiography sources and exposure containers
  • Stages of site radiography using gamma radiography source

4.2) Optimization of occupational radiation protection in industrial radiography part 2

  • X-ray radiography
  • Equipment and specification of X-Ray radiography
  • Requirement and maintenance for X-Ray radiography equipment
  • Types of X-ray radiography
  • Practical protection, safety features, and warning services

4.3) Optimization of occupational radiation protection in industrial radiography Part 3

  • Site radiography using gamma source and X-ray tubes
  • Requirements for site radiography
  • Defense in depth for site radiography
  • Specific procedures for site radiography
  • Safety features for site radiography

4.4) Optimization of occupational radiation protection in industrial radiography Part 4

  • Radiation protection programme
  • Qualified expert
  • Classification of areas
  • Ergonomic study in the nuclear field
  • Vigilance degradation factors

5) Case Study 2: Optimization of occupational radiation protection in interventional cardiology

  • Optimization procedure and radiation protection programme in interventional cardiology
  • Comparison of an optimal situation with ISEMIR conclusions
  • Comparison of an optimal situation with the use of personal protective equipment in IC procedures (ORAMED Survey)
  • Impact of patient thickness on dose to the IC
  • Efficiency measures of radiological protection options
  • Action levels
  • Oramed recommendations
  • Oramed protocol of measures

6) Case Study 3: Optimization of occupational radiation protection in the French PWRs Steam Generator Replacements

  • Description of a steam generator in a Pressurised Water Reactor
  • Steps conducted prior to replacing the steam generator
  • Implementation of an optimization procedure for the first 900 MWe
    reactors (3 loops) steam generator
  • ALARA approach on the next generation steam generator (4 loops)

7) Case Study 4 : ALARA and the dismantling of the Belgian Reactor 3

  • Description of Belgian Reactor 3
  • Optimization implementation and Belgian reactor 3 dismantling
  • 3D adapted optimization tools for Belgian Reactor 3
  • A global optimization of protection and safety approach example: asbestos and
  • ALARA from the design stage of the operation
  • Lesson learned from Belgian Reactor 3 dismantling

8) Case Study 5: Optimization and major dismantled NPP component in a waste handling process

  • Description of the technical aspects
    • Presentation on the waste handling process in Sweden
    • The Steam Generator case
    • Technical treatment concept envisaged for volume reduction
    • Conclusion
  • Optimization
    • The general ALARA scheme for optimization implementation (optimization towards minimization)
    • Importance of dose rates and contamination rates mapping
    • How to set up optimised objectives: the protection actions
    • ALARA : a continuous process

9) Case Study 6: Optimization of occupational radiation protection in managing disused radioactive source category 3

  • Types of category 3 sources
  • Approach to the radiological stakes for the category 3 sources
  • Optimization strategies regarding the category 3 sources
  • Selection and evaluation of selected strategies through an optimization procedure

10) Case Study 7: Use of radiopharmaceuticals in nuclear medicine services for PET examination with Fluor 18: Optimization for external and internal exposure

  • Description of Fluorine 18 for diagnosis
  • Occupational stakes of using Fluorine 18
    • dose rate extrapolations
    • effective dose observations
    • extremity dose estimation
    • contamination risk
  • Optimization procedure

11.1) The ALARA programme : A safety programme adapted to radiation protection relying on a common culture

  • ALARA approach and optimization
  • ALARA culture
  • Commitment to optimization

11.2) The ALARA programme: Ad hoc structures and adequate procedures

  • ALARA coordination
  • ALARA decision structure
  • Optimization studies and coordination structures
  • ALARA network
  • Implementation of optimization according to the stakes
  • ALARA programme examples in US nuclear facilities and EDF/France

11.3) The ALARA programme: adapted tools

  • Examples of ALARA tools
  • Preparation and design phases
  • Implementation and follow up phases

11.4) The ALARA programme: The decision aiding techniques rationale and exercises

  • The objective of decision aiding method
  • Decision aiding techniques
  • Example of the tool: monetary value of the man.Sievert
  • Exercise

12) The ALARA approach at the design stage (global and detailed approaches)

  • Steps of the design optimization
  • The global approach to the radiological stakes
  • The detailed approach to the stakes

13.1) A general introduction to optimization of radiation protection in NORM industries

  • Introduction to optimization of occupational radiation protection in NORM industries
  • Types of materials concerned
  • Exposures components and NORM
  • Analytical approach implementation

13.2) Case study 8: Examples of optimization in NORM industries: the copper industry in Australia

  • Examples of optimization in NORM industries
  • The optimization in the case of a process modification, inserting reverts
    smelting 2
  • Estimation of the stakes in the copper industry

14) Case study 9: The optimization implementation in an underground uranium mine

  • General introduction to Uranium mines and corresponding exposure types
  • Mining operations
  • Sources of Radiation in Mining and Processing of Raw Materials
  • Example of optimization to radon exposure in an underground Uranium mine
  • Individual Protection and Specific Equipment
  • Security of sources

15.1) Implementing ALARA approach together: the in house feedback exchange systems and outside networks (Part 1)

  • Importance of feedback in an ALARA perspective
  • Improving in house feedback
  • OTHEA network
  • ISOE network

15.2) Implementing ALARA approach together: the in house feedback exchange systems and outside networks (Part 2 )

  • ISOE network
  • European ALARA Network (EAN)
  • Lessons learned from the networks
  • Impact examples

16) How to control the implementation of optimization of radiation protection?

  • Optimization implementation : prediction phase
  • Optimization implementation : follow-up phase

17) Feedback experience exchange in an ALARA perspective: the French RPO and Qualified Experts regional networks

  • Background of the regional network 
  • Regional network ethics, values
  • Regional network activities
  • National coordination in relation to regional network

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