(Virtual event) International Conference on Radiation Safety: Improving Radiation Protection in Practice
9–20 November 2020
All sessions are recorded and available through the live video stream link.
Please register via email if you want access to the conference app where you can view conference related material (e.g. abstracts, presentations, posters) and have access to other functions within the virtual conference platform such as the Young Professional Programme.
Persons who simply would like to follow discussions during the conference can do so via the live video stream link on this website.
The IAEA is organizing the International Conference on Radiation Safety: Improving Radiation Protection in Practice virtually from 9 to 20 November 2020. The Conference is being organized in cooperation with the European Commission, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the International Labour Organization, the Nuclear Energy Agency of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, the Pan American Health Organization, the United Nations Environment Programme and the World Health Organization.
The Conference aims to take stock of the worldwide radiation safety situation. It will provide a forum for the exchange of information on Member States’ experiences in applying the system of radiological protection, as provided for in the IAEA safety standards, to the protection of workers, patients, the public and the environment. Both natural and artificial radiation sources fall within the scope of the Conference.
A particular focus will be given to the lessons learned from applying GSR Part 3 and improvements that could be considered to further facilitate its application. Discussion on changes in approach considered necessary for effectively dealing with new and emerging challenges in radiation protection is expected and encouraged.
The Conference has been scheduled to allow for input from the 5th International Symposium on the System of Radiological Protection, which was organized by the ICRP in Adelaide, Australia, from 17 to 21 November 2019 and from the 15th International Congress of the International Radiation Protection Association, which will take place in Seoul, Republic of Korea, from 18 to 22 January 2021.
List of Topics
1. Justification and optimization:
- Accounting for societal values;
- Decision making and stakeholder involvement; and
- Review of justification decisions.
2. Dose constraints and reference levels:
- How to establish appropriate dose constraints and reference levels;
- Regulatory and operational lessons;
- Optimization below the reference level; and
- Development and use of diagnostic reference levels.
3. Applying the graded approach:
- The graded approach to regulation;
- The graded approach to operational radiation protection;
- Managing hazards and risks.
4. Conservatism in radiation protection:
- Conservatism in the linear–no threshold model;
- Conservatism in dose assessment and modelling; and
- Communicating radiation risks.
5. Planned exposure situations:
- Practical application of radiological protection standards;
- Occupational dose limit for the lens of the eye;
- Authorized discharges and protection of people and the environment;
- Criteria for release of patients following administration of radionuclides; and
- Dose limit for the public in planned exposure situations.
6. Emergency exposure situations:
- Radiological criteria for transition;
- Optimized protection strategies; and
- Managing exposures of workers and the public.
7. Existing exposure situations:
- Radon in homes and workplaces;
- Natural and artificial radionuclides in food and drinking water; and
- Cosmic ray exposure of aircrew and space crew; implications of space tourism.
8. Non-medical human imaging:
- Exposures in medical facilities;
- Exposures in non-medical facilities; and
- Justification, optimization and ethical aspects.
9. Exemption and clearance:
- Exemption of practices and materials;
- Clearance of materials; and
- Trade in contaminated commodities.
10. Capacity building:
- Education and training;
- Competence in radiation protection; and
- Safety culture.
See Key Outcomes →
Target Audience
The Conference, which will identify the key challenges and possible solutions in radiation protection that need to be addressed by the international community, will be of interest to regulators, researchers, operators and radiation protection professionals.
Key Deadlines and Dates
- 8 May 2020: Electronic submission of synopses through INDICO
- 1 June 2020: Submission of Forms A and B through official channels
- 15 July 2020: Notification of acceptance of synopses
Conference app
The IAEA Conferences and Meetings App provides a one-stop access to information on the Conference, exhibitions and scheduled side events. The app also allows users to put together their own personalized schedule of events. Via this app participants will be able to view contributed papers, virtual presentations, posters and the latest conference programme, and message other participants. Participants will receive an email inviting them to register for the app approximately one week before the conference.
For iPhone or iPad users, get your free download through the Apple iTunes Store; those with Android devices can visit the Google Play Store.