General Conference Documents

GC Regular Sessions

| GC34


Reports to the Conference

GC34Request for the inclusion of an item entitled Purchase of recreational facilities by the Agency on behalf of the staff association in the Provisional Agenda for the thirty-fourth regular session of the General ConferencePDF iconGC(34)/912
GC34Request for the inclusion of an item entitled Purchase of recreational facilities by the Agency on behalf of the staff association in the Provisional Agenda for the thirty-fourth regular session of the General ConferencePDF iconGC(34)/912/Add.1
GC34Request for the inclusion of an item entitled Ғule and policy on the appointment of the Director GeneralӠin the Provisional Agenda for the thirty-fourth regular session of the general conferencePDF iconGC(34)/913
GC34Request for the inclusion of an item entitled Ғule and policy on the appointment of the Director GeneralӠin the Provisional Agenda for the thirty-fourth regular session of the general conferencePDF iconGC(34)/913/Add.1
GC34Provisional AgendaPDF iconGC(34)/914
GC34The Annual Report for 1989PDF iconGC(34)/915
GC34The Agency's accounts for 1989PDF iconGC(34)/916
GC34Election of Members to the Board of GovernorsPDF iconGC(34)/918
GC34Measures to strengthen international co-operation in matters relating to nuclear safetyPDF iconGC(34)/919
GC34Code of practice on the international transboundry movement of radioactive wastePDF iconGC(34)/920
GC34Code of practice on the international transboundry movement of radioactive wastePDF iconGC(34)/920/Add.1
GC34The financing of safeguardsPDF iconGC(34)/921
GC34The financing of safeguardsPDF iconGC(34)/921/Add.1
GC34The financing of technical assistancePDF iconGC(34)/922
GC34The financing of technical assistancePDF iconGC(34)/922/Add.1
GC34Executing agency agreement between the United Nations Development Programme and the International Atomic Energy AgencyPDF iconGC(34)/923
GC34Co-operation agreements with intergovernmental organizationsPDF iconGC(34)/924
GC34Scale of assessment of Members' contributions for 1991PDF iconGC(34)/925
GC34Israeli nuclear capabilities and threatPDF iconGC(34)/926
GC34Staffing of the Agency SecertariatPDF iconGC(34)/927
GC34Staffing of the Agency SecertariatPDF iconGC(34)/927/Corr.1
GC34Plan for producing potable water economicallyPDF iconGC(34)/928
GC34Plan for producing potable water economicallyPDF iconGC(34)/928/Add.1
GC34Amendment of Article VI.A.2 of the StatutePDF iconGC(34)/929
GC34Amendment of Article VI.A.2 of the StatutePDF iconGC(34)/929/Add.1
GC34Revision of Article VI of the Statute as a wholePDF iconGC(34)/930
GC34Revision of Article VI of the Statute as a wholePDF iconGC(34)/930/Add.1
GC34Liability for nuclear damagePDF iconGC(34)/931/Add.1
GC34Liability for nuclear damagePDF iconGC(34)/931/Add.1/Corr.1
GC34Measures to strengthen international co-operation in matters relating to nuclear safety and radiological protection - Liability for nuclear damagePDF iconGC(34)/931
GC34Adoption of the agenda and allocation of items for initial discussionPDF iconGC(34)/932
GC34Contribution of Namibia towards the 1990 Regular BudgetPDF iconGC(34)/933
GC34Report on voluntary contributions pledged to the Technical Assistance and Co-operation Fund for 1991PDF iconGC(34)/934
GC34Report on voluntary contributions pledged to the Technical Assistance and Co-operation Fund for 1991PDF iconGC(34)/934/Rev.1
GC34Report on voluntary contributions pledged to the Technical Assistance and Co-operation Fund for 1991PDF iconGC(34)/934/Rev.2
GC34Report on voluntary contributions pledged to the Technical Assistance and Co-operation Fund for 1991PDF iconGC(34)/934/Rev.3
GC34Examination of delegates' credentialsPDF iconGC(34)/936
GC34Examination of delegates' credentialsPDF iconGC(34)/936/Add.1
GC34Draft resolution recommended by the Committee of the WholePDF iconGC(34)/937
GC34Election of Members to the Board of GovernorsPDF iconGC(34)/938
GC34AgendaPDF iconGC(34)/939
GC34AMENDMENT OF ARTICLE VI.A.2 OF THE STATUTE - Draft Resolution recommended by the Committee of the WholePDF iconGC(34)/940
GC34THE FINANCING OF SAFEGUARDS - Draft Resolution recommended by the Committee of the WholePDF iconGC(34)/941
GC34SOUTH AFRICA'S NUCLEAR CAPABILITIES - Draft Resolution recommended by the Committee of the WholePDF iconGC(34)/942
GC34REVISION OF ARTICLE VI OF THE STATUE AS A WHOLE - Draft Resolution recommended by the Committee of the WholePDF iconGC(34)/943
GC34EXAMINATION OF DELEGATES' CREDENTIALS - Draft Resolution recommended by the Committee of the WholePDF iconGC(34)/944
GC34PLAN FOR PRODUCING POTABLE WATER ECONOMICALLY - Draft Resolution recommended by the Committee of the WholePDF iconGC(34)/945

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