General Conference Documents

GC Regular Sessions

| GC20


Reports to the Conference

GC20Provisional Agenda - Note by the Director GeneralPDF iconGC(20)/562
GC20Provisional Agenda - Supplementary note by the Director GeneralPDF iconGC(20)/562/Add.1
GC20Applications for membership of the Agency. Application by Nicaragua - Recommendation by the Board of GovernorsPDF iconGC(20)/563
GC20Election of Members to the Board of Governors - Note by the Board of GovernorsPDF iconGC(20)/564
GC20The Annual Report for 1975PDF iconGC(20)/565
GC20The Agency's accounts for 1975PDF iconGC(20)/566
GC20The Agency's programme for 1977-82 and budget for 1977PDF iconGC(20)/567
GC20Invitation to the Palestine Liberation Organization to attend the sessions of the General Conference in the capacity of an observer - Note by the Director GeneralPDF iconGC(20)/568
GC20Assessment of Members' contributions towards the Agency's Regular Budget - Note by the Director GeneralPDF iconGC(20)/569
GC20Assessment of Members' contributions towards the Agency's Regular BudgetPDF iconGC(20)/570
GC20Voluntary contributions to the General Fund for 1977 - Memorandum by the Director GeneralPDF iconGC(20)/571
GC20Voluntary contributions to the General Fund for 1977 - Memorandum by the Director GeneralPDF iconGC(20)/571/Rev.1
GC20Voluntary contributions to the General Fund for 1977 - Memorandum by the Director GeneralPDF iconGC(20)/571/Rev.2
GC20Voluntary contributions to the General Fund for 1977 - Memorandum by the Director GeneralPDF iconGC(20)/571/Rev.3
GC20Voluntary contributions to the General Fund for 1977 - Memorandum by the Director GeneralPDF iconGC(20)/571/Rev.4
GC20Invitation to the Palestine Liberation Organization to attend the sessions of the General Conference in the capacity of an observer - Draft resolution...PDF iconGC(20)/572
GC20AgendaPDF iconGC(20)/573
GC20Election of Members to the Board of Governors - Memorandum by the PresidentPDF iconGC(20)/574
GC20Examination of delegates' credentials - Report of the General CommitteePDF iconGC(20)/575
GC20Examination of delegates' credentials - Draft resolution...PDF iconGC(20)/576
GC20Examination of delegates' credentials - Draft resolution...PDF iconGC(20)/576/Add.1

Information Documents

GC20Advance information for governmentsPDF iconGC(20)/INF/160
GC20Advance information - Further information obtained by 25 August 1976PDF iconGC(20)/INF/160/Add.2
GC20Advance information - Further information obtained by 28 June 1976PDF iconGC(20)/INF/160/Add.1
GC20The provision of technical assistance by the Agency with special reference to 1975 - Report by the Director GeneralPDF iconGC(20)/INF/161
GC20Information for ParticipantsPDF iconGC(20)/INF/162
GC20Information for ParticipantsPDF iconGC(20)/INF/162/Add.1
GC20DelegationsPDF iconGC(20)/INF/163
GC20DelegationsPDF iconGC(20)/INF/163/Rev.1
GC20DelegationsPDF iconGC(20)/INF/163/Rev.2
GC20DelegationsPDF iconGC(20)/INF/163/Rev.2/Mod.1
GC20DelegationsPDF iconGC(20)/INF/163/Rev.3
GC20Statements of financial contributions to the Agency as at 20 September 1976 - Note by the Director GeneralPDF iconGC(20)/INF/164
GC20Advances in the application of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes - EgyptPDF iconGC(20)/INF/165/Add.1
GC20Advances in the application of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes - Information received from PakistanPDF iconGC(20)/INF/165
GC20A communication from the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics - Note by the PresidentPDF iconGC(20)/INF/166
GC20A communication from the delegate of South Africa - Note by the PresidentPDF iconGC(20)/INF/167

Resolutions Adopted by the General Conference

GC20Applications for membership of the Agency - Application by Nicaragua for membership of the AgencyPDF iconGC(20)/RES/333
GC20Invitation to the Palestine Liberation Organization to attend the sessions of the General Conference in the capacity of an observerPDF iconGC(20)/RES/334
GC20Examination of delegates' credentialsPDF iconGC(20)/RES/335
GC20Examination of delegates' credentials. Designation of members to the Board of GovernorsPDF iconGC(20)/RES/336
GC20The Agency's accounts for 1975PDF iconGC(20)/RES/337
GC20The Agency's programme for 1977-82 and budget for 1977. Regular budget appropriations for 1977PDF iconGC(20)/RES/338
GC20The Agency's programme for 1977-82 and budget for 1977. Operational budget allocations for 1977PDF iconGC(20)/RES/339
GC20The Agency's programme for 1977-82 and budget for 1977. The Working Capital Fund in 1977PDF iconGC(20)/RES/340
GC20Assessment of Members' contributions towards the Agency's Regular Budget. Revised principles for the assessment of members' contributions towards the Agency's regular budgetPDF iconGC(20)/RES/341
GC20Assessment of Members' contributions towards the Agency's Regular Budget. Scale of assessment of members' contributions for 1977PDF iconGC(20)/RES/342

Decisions of the General Conference

GC20Election of the PresidentPDF iconGC(20)/DEC/1
GC20Election of the Vice-PresidentsPDF iconGC(20)/DEC/2
GC20Election of the Chairman of the Committee of the WholePDF iconGC(20)/DEC/3

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