General Conference Documents

GC Regular Sessions

| GC26


GC26Agenda items referred to the Committee by the General ConferencePDF iconGC(26)/COM.5/17
GC26The Agency's programme for 1983-88 and budget for 1983 - Draft resolution...PDF iconGC(26)/COM.5/18
GC26The financing of technical assistance - Draft resolution...PDF iconGC(26)/COM.5/19
GC26The Agency's programme for 1983-88 and budget for 1983 - Draft resolution...PDF iconGC(26)/COM.5/20
GC26The Agency's programme for 1983-88 and budget for 1983 - Draft resolution...PDF iconGC(26)/COM.5/20/Rev.1
GC26Staffing of the Agency's Secretariat - Draft resolution...PDF iconGC(26)/COM.5/21
GC26The financing of technical assistance - Draft resolution...PDF iconGC(26)/COM.5/22
GC26Amendment of Article VI.A.2 of the Statute - Draft resolution...PDF iconGC(26)/COM.5/23
GC26Review of the Agency's activities - Draft resolution...PDF iconGC(26)/COM.5/24

Reports to the Conference

GC26Provisional agendaPDF iconGC(26)/662
GC26Applications for membership of the Agency. Application by Namibia, represented by the United Nations Council for Namibia - Recommendation by the Board of GovernorsPDF iconGC(26)/663
GC26The Annual Report for 1981PDF iconGC(26)/664
GC26The Annual Report for 1981 - CorrigendaPDF iconGC(26)/664/Corr.1
GC26The Agency's Accounts for 1981PDF iconGC(26)/665
GC26The Agency's programme for 1983-88 and budget for 1983PDF iconGC(26)/666
GC26Election of Members to the Board of GovernorsPDF iconGC(26)/667
GC26Staffing of the Agency's Secretariat - Report by the Board of GovernorsPDF iconGC(26)/668
GC26The financing of technical assistance - Report by the Board of GovernorsPDF iconGC(26)/669
GC26Amendment of Article VI.A.2 of the Statute - Report by the Board of GovernorsPDF iconGC(26)/670
GC26Scale of assessment of Members' contributions for 1983PDF iconGC(26)/671
GC26Scale of assessment of Members' contributions for 1983 - ModificationsPDF iconGC(26)/671/Mod.1
GC26Staffing of the Agency's Secretariat - Implementation of General Conference resolution GC(XXV)/RES/386PDF iconGC(26)/672
GC26Staffing of the Agency's Secretariat - Implementation of General Conference resolution GC(XXV)/RES/386PDF iconGC(26)/672/Add.1
GC26Report on voluntary contributions pledged to the Technical Assistance and Co-operation Fund for 1983PDF iconGC(26)/673
GC26Report on voluntary contributions pledged to the Technical Assistance and Co-operation Fund for 1983PDF iconGC(26)/673/Rev.1
GC26Report on voluntary contributions pledged to the Technical Assistance and Co-operation Fund for 1983PDF iconGC(26)/673/Rev.2
GC26Report on voluntary contributions pledged to the Technical Assistance and Co-operation Fund for 1983PDF iconGC(26)/673/Rev.3
GC26AgendaPDF iconGC(26)/674
GC26Consideration of the suspension of Israel from the exercise of the privileges and rights of membership if... - Draft resolution...PDF iconGC(26)/675
GC26Consideration of the suspension of Israel from the exercise of the privileges and rights of membership if... - Draft resolution...PDF iconGC(26)/675/Add.1
GC26Consideration of the suspension of Israel from the exercise of the privileges and rights of membership if... - Draft resolution...PDF iconGC(26)/675/Add.2
GC26Election of Members to the Board of Governors - Memorandum by the PresidentPDF iconGC(26)/676
GC26The Agency's programme for 1983-88 and budget for 1983 - Draft resolution...PDF iconGC(26)/677
GC26Review of the Agency's activities - Draft resolution...PDF iconGC(26)/678
GC26Staffing of the Agency's Secretariat - Draft resolution...PDF iconGC(26)/679
GC26The financing of technical assistance - Draft resolution...PDF iconGC(26)/680
GC26Amendment of Article VI.A.2 of the Statute - Draft resolution...PDF iconGC(26)/681
GC26Examination of delegates' credentials - Report of the General CommitteePDF iconGC(26)/682

Information Documents

GC26Advance information for DelegationsPDF iconGC(26)/INF/205
GC26The Agency's Technical Co-operation Activities in 1981 - Report by the Director GeneralPDF iconGC(26)/INF/206
GC26Voluntary contributions pledged and paid to the Technical Assistance Fund for 1981 as at 30 June 1982PDF iconGC(26)/INF/207
GC26List of ParticipantsPDF iconGC(26)/INF/208
GC26List of ParticipantsPDF iconGC(26)/INF/208/Rev.1
GC26List of ParticipantsPDF iconGC(26)/INF/208/Rev.2
GC26List of ParticipantsPDF iconGC(26)/INF/208/Rev.3
GC26List of ParticipantsPDF iconGC(26)/INF/208/Rev.4
GC26List of Participants - Additional informationPDF iconGC(26)/INF/208/Rev.1/Add.1
GC26Information for DelegationsPDF iconGC(26)/INF/209
GC26Statement of financial contributions to the Agency as at 17 September 1982 - Note by the Director GeneralPDF iconGC(26)/INF/210
GC26Advances in the application of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes - Information received from PakistanPDF iconGC(26)/INF/211

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