General Conference Documents

| GC52



GC52大会发交全体委员会审议的议程项目PDF iconGC(52)/COM.5/1
GC52临时议程PDF iconGC(52)/1
GC52临时议程 - 在临时议程中增列补充项目PDF iconGC(52)/1/Add.1
GC52加强核安全、辐射安全和运输安全以及废物管理国际合作的措施PDF iconGC(52)/2
GC52加强国际原子能机构有关核科学、技术和应用的活动PDF iconGC(52)/3
GC52加强国际原子能机构有关核科学、技术和应用的活动 修改PDF iconGC(52)/3/Mod.1
GC52与政府间组织的合作协定 - 国际原子能机构与国际热核实验堆国际聚变能组织缔结合作协定PDF iconGC(52)/4
GC52国际原子能机构2009年预算更新本PDF iconGC(52)/5
GC52国际原子能机构2009年预算更新本 (修订)PDF iconGC(52)/5/Rev.1
GC52Applications for Membership of the Agency - Application by the Sultanate of OmanPDF iconGC(52)/7
GC52Election of Members to the Board of GovernorsPDF iconGC(52)/8
GC52Annual Report 2007PDF iconGC(52)/9
GC52Application of IAEA Safeguards in the Middle EastPDF iconGC(52)/10
GC52Application of IAEA Safeguards in the Middle EastPDF iconGC(52)/10/Rev.1
GC52The Agency's Accounts for 2007PDF iconGC(52)/11
GC52Nuclear Security Report 2008 - Measures to Protect Against Nuclear TerrorismPDF iconGC(52)/12
GC52Strengthening the Effectiveness and Improving the Efficiency of the Safeguards System Including Implementation of Additional ProtocolsPDF iconGC(52)/13
GC52Application of Safeguards in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK)PDF iconGC(52)/14
GC52Scale of Assessment of Members' Contributions for 2009PDF iconGC(52)/15
GC52Communication received from the Resident Representative of Israel regarding the request to include in the agenda of the Conference an item entitled Israeli Nuclear CapabilitiesPDF iconGC(52)/16
GC52Communication received from the Resident Representative of Cuba, on behalf of the Vienna Chapter of the Non-Aligned Movement, regarding the request to include in the agenda of the Conference an item entitled Israeli Nuclear CapabilitiesPDF iconGC(52)/17
GC52Applications for Membership of the Agency - Application by the Kingdom of LesothoPDF iconGC(52)/18
GC52Applications for Membership of the Agency - Application by the Independent State of Papua New GuineaPDF iconGC(52)/19
GC52Communication received from the Resident Representative of Morocco, on behalf of the Arab Member States of the Agency, regarding the request to include in the agenda of the Conference an item entitled Israeli Nuclear CapabilitiesPDF iconGC(52)/20
GC52AgendaPDF iconGC(52)/21
GC52Report on Contributions Pledged to the Technical Cooperation Fund for 2009PDF iconGC(52)/22
GC52Report on Contributions Pledged to the Technical Cooperation Fund for 2009PDF iconGC(52)/22/Rev.2
GC52Report on Contributions Pledged to the Technical Cooperation Fund for 2009PDF iconGC(52)/22/Rev.3
GC52Report on Contributions Pledged to the Technical Cooperation Fund for 2009PDF iconGC(52)/22/Rev.4
GC52Report on Contributions Pledged to the Technical Cooperation Fund for 2009PDF iconGC(52)/22/Rev.5
GC52Election of Members to the Board of Governors - Memorandum by the PresidentPDF iconGC(52)/23
GC52Amendment of Article XIV.A of the StatutePDF iconGC(52)/25
GC52Communication received from the Resident Representative of Pakistan, on behalf of the Organization of the OIC Group in Vienna, regarding the request to include in the agenda of the IAEA General Conference an item entitled Israeli Nuclear CapabilitiesPDF iconGC(52)/26
GC52Examination of Delegates' Credentials - Statement of Arab Delegations Concerning their Reservations about the Credentials of the Israeli Delegation Participating in the Fifty-second Session of the IAEA General ConferencePDF iconGC(52)/27
GC52Examination of Delegates' Credentials - Text of Communication dated 1 October 2008 from the Resident Representative of Israel to the International Atomic Energy AgencyPDF iconGC(52)/28
GC52Examination of Delegates' Credentials - Report of the General CommitteePDF iconGC(52)/29


GC52Inscription in the List of Speakers in the General DebatePDF iconGC(52)/INF/1
GC52Nuclear Safety Review for the Year 2007PDF iconGC(52)/INF/2
GC52Nuclear Technology Review 2008 - CorrigendaPDF iconGC(52)/INF/3/Corr.1
GC52Nuclear Technology Review 2008 - Report by the Director GeneralPDF iconGC(52)/INF/3
GC52Report of the Commission of Eminent Persons on the Future of the AgencyPDF iconGC(52)/INF/4
GC52Technical Cooperation Report for 2007PDF iconGC(52)/INF/5
GC52International Status and Prospects of Nuclear PowerPDF iconGC(52)/INF/6
GC52International Status and Prospects of Nuclear Power - ModificationPDF iconGC(52)/INF/6/Mod.1
GC52Advance Information for DelegationsPDF iconGC(52)/INF/7
GC52Amendment to Article XIV.A of the StatutePDF iconGC(52)/INF/9
GC52Amendment to Article XIV.A of the Statute - AddendumPDF iconGC(52)/INF/9/Add.1
GC52Contribution by the Joint FAO/IAEA Division to Food and Agriculture - A Status ReportPDF iconGC(52)/INF/10
GC52Statement of Financial Contributions to the AgencyPDF iconGC(52)/INF/11/Rev.1
GC52Statement of Financial Contributions to the Agency as at 26 September 2008PDF iconGC(52)/INF/11

