General Conference Documents

| GC51



GC51大会发交全体委员会审议的议程项目PDF iconGC(51)/COM.5/1
GC51临时议程PDF iconGC(51)/1
GC51临时议程 - 在临时议程中增列补充项目PDF iconGC(51)/1/Add.1
GC51国际原子能机构 2008-2009年 计划和预算PDF iconGC(51)/2
GC51加强核安全、辐射安全和运输安全以及废物管理国际合作的措施PDF iconGC(51)/3/Corr.1
GC51加强核安全、辐射安全和运输安全以及废物管理国际合作的措施PDF iconGC(51)/3
GC51Strengthening the Agency's activities related to nuclear science, technology and applicationsPDF iconGC(51)/4
GC51Strengthening the Agency's activities related to nuclear science, technology and applicationsPDF iconGC(51)/4/Corr.1
GC512006年年度报告PDF iconGC(51)/5
GC51选举理事会理事国PDF iconGC(51)/6
GC51Amendment of Article VI of the StatutePDF iconGC(51)/7
GC51Strengthening the Effectiveness and Improving the Efficiency of the Safeguards System Including Implementation of Additional ProtocolsPDF iconGC(51)/8
GC51Applications for Membership of the Agency Application by the Kingdom of BahrainPDF iconGC(51)/9
GC51Applications for Membership of the Agency Application by the Republic of BurundiPDF iconGC(51)/10
GC51Applications for membership of the Agency Application by the Republic of CongoPDF iconGC(51)/11
GC51Applications for Membership of the Agency Application by NepalPDF iconGC(51)/12
GC51The Agency's Accounts for 2006PDF iconGC(51)/13
GC51Application of IAEA Safeguards in the Middle EastPDF iconGC(51)/14
GC51Nuclear Security Report 2007PDF iconGC(51)/15
GC51Personnel Staffing of the Agency's SecretariatPDF iconGC(51)/16
GC51Personnel - Women in the SecretariatPDF iconGC(51)/17
GC51Appointment of the External AuditorPDF iconGC(51)/18
GC51Application of Safeguards in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK)PDF iconGC(51)/19
GC51Supplementary list of items proposed for inclusion in the agenda of the fifty-first regular session of the General ConferencePDF iconGC(51)/20
GC51Scale of Assessment of Members' Contributions for 2008PDF iconGC(51)/21
GC51AgendaPDF iconGC(51)/22
GC51Applications for membership of the AgencyPDF iconGC(51)/23
GC51Communication received from the Resident Representative of Cuba, on behalf of the Vienna Chapter of the Non-Aligned Movement, regarding the request to include in the agenda of the Conference an item entitled Israeli Nuclear Capabilities and ThreatPDF iconGC(51)/24
GC51Communication received from the Resident Representative of Israel regarding the request to include in the agenda of the Conference an item entitled Israeli Nuclear Capabilities and ThreatPDF iconGC(51)/25
GC51Election of Members to the Board of GovernorsPDF iconGC(51)/26
GC51Rapport sur les promesses de contributions au Fonds de coop??ration technique pour 2008PDF iconGC(51)/28/Rev.1
GC51Report on Contributions Pledged to the Technical Cooperation Fund for 2008PDF iconGC(51)/28
GC51Report on Contributions Pledged to the Technical Cooperation Fund for 2008PDF iconGC(51)/28/Rev.2
GC51Report on Contributions Pledged to the Technical Cooperation Fund for 2008PDF iconGC(51)/28/Rev.3
GC51Report on Contributions Pledged to the Technical Cooperation Fund for 2008PDF iconGC(51)/28/Rev.4
GC51Report on Contributions Pledged to the Technical Cooperation Fund for 2008PDF iconGC(51)/28/Rev.5
GC51Examination of Delegates' CredentialsPDF iconGC(51)/29
GC51Examination of Delegates' CredentialsPDF iconGC(51)/30
GC51Examination of Delegates' CredentialsPDF iconGC(51)/31
GC51Israeli Nuclear Capabilities and ThreatPDF iconGC(51)/32


GC51Inscription in the List of Speakers in the General DebatePDF iconGC(51)/INF/1
GC51Nuclear Safety Review for the year 2006PDF iconGC(51)/INF/2
GC51Nuclear Technology Review 2007 - Report by the Director GeneralPDF iconGC(51)/INF/3
GC51Technical Cooperation Report for 2006PDF iconGC(51)/INF/4
GC51Advance Information for DelegationsPDF iconGC(51)/INF/5
GC51Amendment to Article XIV.A of the StatutePDF iconGC(51)/INF/7
GC51摩尔多瓦共和国副总理兼外交 和欧洲一体化部部长 2007 年 9 月 12 日 关于恢复表决权的信函全文PDF iconGC(51)/INF/8
GC512007 年 9 月 10 日收到的格鲁吉亚常驻 国际原子能机构代表关于恢复表决权的信函全文PDF iconGC(51)/INF/9
GC51Text of communication dated 11 September 2007 received from the Permanent Mission of the Dominican Republic to the Agency concerning restoration of voting rightsPDF iconGC(51)/INF/10
GC51Letter from the Chairman of the International Nuclear Safety GroupPDF iconGC(51)/INF/11

