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Integrated Research Reactor Utilization Review (IRRUR)

The IRRUR review mission is designed to assist IAEA Member States in improving the utilization of research reactors facilities.

The IRRUR service is a holistic IAEA peer review conducted by a team of international experts who have direct experience in research reactors and with a broad scientific, managerial and operational background that is related to research reactor utilization and applications. The review can be directed to all the major activities of a research reactor or limited to specific facility mission areas and is based on IAEA guidance on the strategic planning for and utilization of research reactors.

The main objective of the IRRUR service is to assist IAEA Member States in performing a thorough assessment of the utilization of a research reactor, of its existing and potential capabilities, and to identify further utilization areas, research and development, as well as products and services that the research reactor can provide.

The outcome of such a peer review mission could be efficiently used to assist Member States in their decision-making process, and, eventually, in the development of a strategy towards sustainable operation, or shutdown, of the research reactor.

IRURR peer reviews are available to operating organizations in all Member States with research reactors in operation or temporary or extended shutdown. They take into account national or international good practices as well as special aspects on a case-by-case basis, and also build upon the findings and recommendations from reviews of previous strategic plans of the research reactor operating organization and from missions on the utilization and other relevant areas previously carried out by the research reactor operating organization.

Recommendations and potential solutions are made on items of direct relevance to the utilization of the research reactor, with the principal aim of improving utilization.

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