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imPACT Reviews

The IAEA applies a unique assessment tool – the integrated mission of PACT, otherwise referred to as an imPACT Review – which supports Member States in their efforts to improve comprehensive cancer control in their country. imPACT Reviews assess a country’s cancer control capacities and needs and identify priority interventions to effectively respond to its cancer burden.

One of the main challenges countries face in successfully tackling their cancer burden is the ability to formulate realistic and robust cancer control strategies and plans, while considering available resources.

An imPACT Review is coordinated by the IAEA and conducted jointly with the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). Its objective is to provide governments and their partners with a baseline situation analysis and a set of recommendations to guide cancer control planning and investments across the cancer control spectrum, from prevention to palliative care.

imPACT Reviews comprise three stages:

  1. Desk-review analysis of the national cancer control situation: This includes an appraisal of national strategy and policy documents dealing with cancer, as well as of available data and information in all areas of cancer control, from planning, cancer registration and prevention to treatment, palliation and end-of-life care.  
  2. In-country mission: This consists of a visit by international cancer experts, nominated by the IAEA, WHO and IARC, and entails discussions with key national stakeholders and the observation of services provided by national health care facilities, academic institutions and civil society.
  3. imPACT Review report: A final report contains a detailed expert analysis of information gathered, findings and conclusions on the Member State’s strengths, challenges, opportunities and needs in the field of cancer control. The report provides country-specific recommendations, which aim to support the government in prioritising and optimising cancer control interventions and investments.

An imPACT Review benefits a Member State by:

  1. Supporting national cancer control planning
  2. Prioritizing strengthened cancer registration systems
  3. Advocating for improved access to treatment
  4. Guiding the establishment of safe, high quality radiation medicine services
  5. Providing information on opportunities for resource mobilization and partnerships.

Since 2005, the IAEA has conducted over 100 imPACT Reviews in its Member States.

Ministries of Health can request or register their interest for an imPACT review. A formal letter is required for Review requests submitted in collaboration with the relevant IAEA National Liaison Officer.

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