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European Radiation Protection Authorities Network (ERPAN)


On the 21st June 2006, the first meeting of the new European Radio Protection Authorities Network (ERPAN) took place in Paris. Regulatory authorities from 12 European countries participated in the meeting. This network is open to all regulatory authorities across Europe at operational level.


The ERPAN aims to promote communication between national regulatory authorities including the exchange of information, requirements, and experiences on the process of authorisation and inspection methods employed in European countries in order to promote the ALARA principal. It also aims to help improving the operational efficiency of radiation control across Europe while recognising the different regulatory systems within the various countries.


  • Membership of the network and nomination

    All European radiation protection regulatory authorities should be encouraged to participate in the network. Representatives should be nominated by the appropriate regulatory authority within each country. Regulatory authorities should ensure some continuity in their representation.
  • Roles and responsibilities of the representatives

    To express the views of the regulatory authority they represent, to contribute to debate, to prepare for meetings, to undertake specific tasks as required and disseminate information within their own country.
  • Process for nomination of a chairperson, a deputy and a secretary

    The chairperson, its deputy and secretary are elected every two years. These elections take place during meetings of the ERPAN.


Exchange of information and discussion on regulatory processes, joint inspection, european surveys.

ERPAN has a special page on the European ALARA Network website and publishes information through the European ALARA Newsletter.


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