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Human Resources

Identifying suitable staff to undertake communication activities cannot be overstated. They will serve as the ‘face’ of the organization and will facilitate the content of the communication plan.

Even individuals who may seem the most suitable will still need support and training to fulfil their roles and responsibilities. Whilst large organizations are most likely to have a communication department of specialists in visual design, event planning, media and multimedia production, they will still need training in the technical aspects of the proposed plan. If technical experts serve in lead roles for communication outreach activities, then public speaking and presentation training should be considered. It will benefit not only those performing the outreach, in terms of self-confidence, but also the different audiences, who will listen to the message without being distracted by the capabilities of the messenger.

Job Descriptions

In the development of an implementation plan, it is well served to assign a staffing requirement for each activity, together with a related budget estimate. The next step is to allocate the roles within the plan to specific individuals, and to determine responsibilities for managing the various activities.

These will vary depending on the plan and the proposed outcomes, as well as the degree to which outsourcing is needed, as opposed to using in-house capabilities. At a minimum, aim to identify specific individuals for managing the different strands of the plan and supervising the budget spend. Clear lines of decision-making prevent individuals from waiting for senior staff to sign off on relatively unimportant decisions. This helps develop ownership of the plan, keeps projects moving forward and supports successful cooperative working among staff.

Within the implementation plan, aim to identify a single, overall project manager. This person is responsible for ensuring the realization of the planned activities.

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