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Vitamin A Body Stores

Vitamin A deficiency is a serious public health problem in most low- and middle-income countries, where it is the leading cause of childhood blindness and a major contributor to infectious disease morbidity and mortality.

Vitamin A supplementation as well as fortified foods are used to combat vitamin A deficiency. With multiple interventions, and vitamin A rich foods becoming more accessible, some population groups might even be at risk of getting too much vitamin A. Standard biomarkers of vitamin A status only measure deficiency, not excess. 

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IAEA Publications


Application & Literature

The retinol isotope dilution (RID) technique can be used to estimate total body stores and liver concentration of vitamin A. It is the only available method that reflects vitamin A status over the entire range from deficiency to excess. 

The RID can help monitor vitamin A programmes to control vitamin A deficiency without inducing a risk of excess vitamin A intake. 

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