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Library of Recommended Actinide Decay Data, 2011

Non-serial Publications

English STI/PUB/1618 ¦ 978-92-0-143910-9

428 pages ¦ € 60.00 ¦ Date published: 2013

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High quality decay data are an essential input across a wide range of nuclear applications, and none more so than in the case of the actinides and their related decay chain data. Well defined nuclear data are essential to ensure safe procedures within mining operations, various nuclear fuel cycles for energy generation, environmental monitoring, specific analytical techniques, and diagnostic and radiotherapeutic treatments in nuclear medicine. A major objective of the IAEA nuclear data programme is to promote improvements in the accuracy and quality of nuclear data used in science and technology. The contents of this report constitute the results of a coordinated research project established to assemble an updated decay data library for actinides. Recommended half-lives and decay scheme data have been comprehensively evaluated, and are tabulated in terms of a carefully selected set of actinide radionuclides.

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