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Benchmarking Against Experimental Data of Neutronics and Thermohydraulic Computational Methods and Tools for Operation and Safety Analysis of Research Reactors

Results of a Coordinated Research Project


English IAEA-TECDOC-1879 ¦ 978-92-0-109619-7

290 pages ¦ 203 figures ¦ € 18.00 ¦ Date published: 2019

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This publication presents the results of an IAEA coordinated research project (CRP). The benchmark analysis performed under this CRP covered steady state and transient conditions for research reactors across a range of designs, power levels, operating regimes and experimental facilities. The results obtained by the individual CRP participants are consolidated for each benchmark specification and conclusions are drawn on the specifications, modelling approaches and user effects, and computer codes used in the analysis. This publication supplements IAEA Technical Report Series No. 480, Research Reactor Benchmarking Database: Facility Specification and Experimental Data, which was developed within the same CRP. The publication is intended for use by operating organizations, researchers, regulatory bodies, designers and other interested parties involved in the safety, operation and utilization of research reactors. The individual country reports are available on the attached CD-ROM.

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Nuclear Reactors, Thermodynamics, Computer Codes Simulations, Benchmarking, Experimental Data, Neutronics, Computational Methods, Tools, Operation, Safety Analysis, Research Reactors, CRP, Coordinated Research Project, Reactor Designers, Regulators, Methodologies, Training, Validation, Verification, Recommendations, Steady-State, Transient Conditions, Computer Programme, Input Parameters, Analysis

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