Peer Review and Advisory Services Calendar

Mission Title Lieu Date Rapport
imPACT Review mission to Mozambique Mozambique 11 – 15 AOÛT 2014
imPACT Review mission to Georgia Georgia 7 – 11 JUIL 2014
imPACT Review Mission to Peru Peru 8 – 13 AVR 2014
imPACT Review mission to Uzbekistan Uzbekistan 31 MARS – 3 AVR 2014 Download
imPACT Review mission to Fiji Fiji 24 – 28 MARS 2014 Download
imPACT Review mission to Panama Panama 17 – 21 FÉV 2014 Download
imPACT Review mission to Pakistan Pakistan 2 – 6 DÉC 2013 Download
imPACT Review mission to Lebanon Lebanon 25 – 29 NOV 2013 Download
imPACT Review mission to Papua New Guinea Papua New Guinea 11 – 15 NOV 2013
imPACT Review mission to Tunisia Tunisia 7 – 11 OCT 2013 Download
imPACT Review mission to Bangladesh Bangladesh 6 – 10 OCT 2013 Download
imPACT Review mission to Botswana Botswana 26 AOÛT 2013 – 30 AOÛT 2016 Download


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