projets de recherche coordonnée

Radiation-induced crop diversity and genetic associations for accelerating variety development

Coordinated Research Project ¦ 09/2021 ¦ CRP Code: D24015 ¦ Active - Ongoing

Isotopic assessment of the impacts of climatic and hydrological changes on wetland-groundwater ecosystem interactions

Coordinated Research Project ¦ 09/2021 ¦ CRP Code: F33027 ¦ Active - Ongoing

Nuclear Techniques to Support Risk Assessment of Biotoxins and Pathogen Detection in Food and Related Matrices

Coordinated Research Project ¦ 09/2021 ¦ CRP Code: D52044 ¦ Active - Ongoing

IAEA Transthyretin Amyloid Cardiomyopathy Study – The I-TAC study

Coordinated Research Project ¦ 09/2021 ¦ CRP Code: E13055 ¦ Active - Ongoing

Benchmark of Transition from Forced to Natural Circulation Experiment with Heavy Liquid Metal Loop

Coordinated Research Project ¦ 06/2021 ¦ CRP Code: I31038 ¦ Active - Ongoing

Optimising nuclear techniques to assess vitamin A status in population surveys – from deficiency to excess (Phase II)

Coordinated Research Project ¦ 06/2021 ¦ CRP Code: E43035 ¦ Active - Ongoing

Improving rearing, handling, and field components for fruit fly SIT application

Coordinated Research Project ¦ 06/2021 ¦ CRP Code: D41029 ¦ Active - Ongoing


Lettre d'information