Photo Essays

Scientific evidence has shown that exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months of a child’s life is the best and healthiest way to feed newborns. <br /><br />(Photo: Mother and child right after a feeding).

It's Better for Babies - Nuclear Techniques Help Guide Global Efforts to Increase Breastfeeding

Thirty-six percent of Moroccan women of childbearing age (18-35) have iron deficiency anaemia.

Combatting Iron Deficiency in Morocco

Not having enough to eat is what we often think of as 'malnutrition'. But eating too much, of the wrong thing, and remaining mostly sedentary, leads to malnutrition of a different sort - obesity.<br /><br />
 (Photo: S. Henriques/IAEA).

Eat. Play. Go! Using Nuclear Science to Tackle Obesity

In more than a dozen countries, irradiated natural polymers are being used to create products that improve medicine, industry, environmental protection, cosmetics and agriculture.

Starch, Seaweed and Shrimp Shells - Gifts to Agriculture

Radiation processing is used to break chemical bonds and create new ones.

Save Money, Water, the Environment - Benefits of Natural Polymers

&copy; IAEA

Practice Makes Perfect: Moldova Tests Its Nuclear Security Response

The possibility that nuclear or other radioactive material could be used for malicious purposes is real.<br><br> 

This calls for a collective commitment to the control of and accountancy for material, as well as to adequate levels of protection in order to prevent criminal or unauthorized access to the material or associated facilities.<br><br> 

Sharing of knowledge and experience, coordination among States and collaboration with other international organizations, initiatives, and industries support an effective international nuclear security framework.

IAEA Nuclear Security: Working to Build a Global Response to a Global Threat

The IAEA helps its Member States find long-term solutions for the safe and secure storage of disused sealed radioactive sources.  This photo essay documents a successful source conditioning project in the Philippines.

Nuclear Security in Action: Mobile Hot Cell in Manila

Ionizing radiation is used in agriculture - to prevent sprouting or ripening, to eliminate pathogens that can cause sickness in humans, and to kill insects that can disrupt the ecosystems of importing countries. <br /><br />(Photo: T. Kalapurackal)

Just The Right Amount: Using Dosimetry to Measure Absorbed Radiation

When IAEA Safety Standards and experience come together -   Strengthening the Nuclear Regulatory Framework through IRRS Missions.

Integrated Regulatory Review Service (IRRS)

Nuclear technology has the potential to save lives, make food and medical supplies safer and produce energy. But it is also the basis for the development of nuclear weapons. One of the IAEA's core functions is to confirm that countries are abiding by their obligations not to use nuclear materials or equipment to produce nuclear explosive devices. To verify that nuclear materials are used solely for peaceful purposes, the IAEA has developed a safeguards system based on legal Safeguards Agreements.

Safeguards Inspectors in Action: Behind the Scenes at Dukovany Nuclear Power Plant

Two years after the accident at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, work continues to ensure the damaged units remain stable and to prepare for the long and challenging task of decommissioning.

Fukushima Daiichi: Two Years On


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