Bringing the IAEA Nuclear Sciences and Applications Laboratories in Seibersdorf to Meet 21st Century Challenges

Vol. 55-2


The June 2014 IAEA Bulletin issue focuses on the IAEA laboratories for nuclear sciences and applications located in Seibersdorf, Austria. For their 50th anniversary in 2012, the IAEA launched their modernization through the Renovation of the Nuclear Applications Laboratories (ReNuAL) project. They contribute to food security in the context of climate change. For instance they developed a disease resistant wheat variety. Moreover, the IAEA has partnered with the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) for 50 years. Together they have sequenced the genetic code of tsetse flies. The laboratories also work to fight the cancer epidemic, or to develop emergency response measures to nuclear events through developing analytical and diagnostic instruments and methods. In addition to the facilities in Seibersdorf, the IAEA laboratories work with Member States laboratories worldwide, coordinating networks to share knowledge, and running tests and inter-laboratory comparisons. This edition also looks at the work done using accelerators.

La opinión de los científicos visitantes sobre los laboratorios de Seibersdorf un avance

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