Why Water Matters

Vol. 53-1


The September 2011 IAEA Bulletin issue focuses on the IAEA’s work to manage water. Isotope hydrology is used to locate, map and analyse water and its geographical movement and find its sources of pollution. The IAEA Water Availability Enhancement project (IWAVE) helps Member States record and use hydrological information. Technical Cooperation projects help them achieve development priorities while monitoring and protecting the environment, through wastewater treatment by radiation processing technology, agricultural water conservation, and pollutants and harmful algal blooms identification. This edition also covers the IAEA’s work on arsenic-contaminated water in Bangladesh, on finding new access to fresh running water Ecuador, and on improving farming in Kenya. The Agency has published Hydrological Atlases that map extensive global hydrological data, allowing to understand natural water systems and as such helping planners find water and use it sustainably. The IAEA cooperates with the Oceanographic Institute of Monaco, with the World Meteorological Organization, and with other UN agencies.

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