المشاريع البحثية المنسَّقة – Department of Nuclear Energy

Application of Wireless Technologies in Nuclear Power Plant Instrumentation and Control Systems

Coordinated Research Project ¦ 2014/05 ¦ CRP Code: I31028 ¦ Closed

Fuel Modelling in Accident Conditions (FUMAC)

Coordinated Research Project ¦ 2014/05 ¦ CRP Code: T12028 ¦ Closed

Options and Technologies for Managing the Back End of the Research Reactor Nuclear Fuel Cycle

Coordinated Research Project ¦ 2014/03 ¦ CRP Code: T33001 ¦

Assessing the National and Regional Economic and Social Effects of Nuclear Programmes

Coordinated Research Project ¦ 2014/03 ¦ CRP Code: I12005 ¦ Closed

Management of Severely Damaged Spent Fuel and Corium

Coordinated Research Project ¦ 2013/12 ¦ CRP Code: T13015 ¦ Active - Ongoing

Reliability of High Power, Extended Burnup and Advanced PHWR Fuels

Coordinated Research Project ¦ 2013/07 ¦ CRP Code: T12027 ¦ Closed

Condition Monitoring and Incipient Failure Detection of Rotating Equipment in Research Reactors

Coordinated Research Project ¦ 2013/02 ¦ CRP Code: T34003 ¦

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