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63rd IAEA General Conference

16 – 20 September 2019, Vienna International Centre, Vienna

Statements in the General Debate – 7 minutes Limit

The Secretariat wishes to remind delegates that at the 60th regular session of the General Conference, "the General Conference decided to change the time limit on statements during the general debate from 15 minutes to 7 minutes for representatives of all Member States and observers as of the 61st regular session of the General Conference in 2017".

Delegates are therefore kindly requested to bear in mind the time limit of 7 minutes when preparing their statements for delivery during the general debate of the 63rd regular session of the General Conference in 2019.

With regards to speaking and delivering statements, delegates are encouraged to be mindful that much of the room may rely on interpretation. Speaking at a measured pace will make it possible for interpreters to render the message smoothly and accurately.

Speakers' Lists for Plenary Meetings

16 September 2019: Morning | Afternoon
17 September 2019: Morning | Afternoon
18 September 2019: Morning | Afternoon
19 September 2019: Morning

Disclaimer Concerning Simultaneous Interpretation

The International Atomic Energy Agency provides simultaneous interpretation from and into the six official languages of the United Nations and closed captioning in English with the purpose of facilitating communication. Only the statement or intervention in the original language is authentic and constitutes an authentic record of the proceedings. In case of any inconsistency between the interpretation and the speech or intervention in the original language, the latter shall prevail.

Delegates' Statements

Delegates' statements will be posted as they become available and as received by the Conference Secretariat.

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