General Conference Documents

| GC50 | Documents



GC50临时议程PDF iconGC(50)/1
GC50加强包括实施附加议定书在内的保障体系有效性和提高保障体系效率PDF iconGC(50)/2
GC50加强核安全、辐射安全和运输安全以及废物管理国际合作的措施PDF iconGC(50)/3
GC502005年年度报告PDF iconGC(50)/4
GC50选举理事会理事国PDF iconGC(50)/5
GC50国际原子能机构 2007 年预算更新本PDF iconGC(50)/6/Mod.1
GC50国际原子能机构2007年预算更新版PDF iconGC(50)/6
GC50Amendment to Article VI of the Statute - Report by the Director GeneralPDF iconGC(50)/7
GC50The Agency's Accounts For 2005PDF iconGC(50)/8
GC50Applications for Membership of the AgencyPDF iconGC(50)/9
GC50Application by the Republic of MozambiquePDF iconGC(50)/10
GC50Applications for Membership of the AgencyPDF iconGC(50)/11
GC50Application of IAEA Safeguards in the Middle East - Report by the Director GeneralPDF iconGC(50)/12
GC50Nuclear Security - Measures to Protect Against Nuclear Terrorism - Report by the Director General - AddendumPDF iconGC(50)/13/Add.1
GC50Nuclear Security - Measures to Protect Against Terrosim - Report by the Director GeneralPDF iconGC(50)/13
GC50Strengthening the Agency's Activities related to Nuclear Science, Technology and Applications - CorrigendumPDF iconGC(50)/14/Corr.1
GC50Strengthening the Agency's Activities related to Nuclear Science, Technology and Applications - Report by the Director GeneralPDF iconGC(50)/14
GC50Implementation of the Safeguards Agreement between the Agency and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea Pursuant to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons - Report by the Director GeneralPDF iconGC(50)/15
GC50Scale of Assessment of Members' Contributions for 2007PDF iconGC(50)/16
GC50Israeli Nuclear Capabilities and ThreatPDF iconGC(50)/17
GC50Israeli Nuclear Capabilities and ThreatPDF iconGC(50)/18
GC50Applications for membership of the Agency - Application by the Republic of Montenegro: Recommendation by the Board of GovernorsPDF iconGC(50)/19
GC50Contributions to the Technical Cooperation Fund for 2007PDF iconGC(50)/20
GC50AgendaPDF iconGC(50)/21
GC50Israeli Nuclear Capabilities and ThreatPDF iconGC(50)/22
GC50Report on Contributions to the Technica lCooperation Fund for 2007PDF iconGC(50)/23
GC50Report on Contributions to the Technical Cooperation Fund for 2007PDF iconGC(50)/23/Rev.1
GC50Report on Contributions to the Technical Cooperation Fund for 2007PDF iconGC(50)/23/Rev.2
GC50Report on Contributions to the Technical Cooperation Fund for 2007PDF iconGC(50)/23/Rev.3
GC50Election of Members to the Board of Governors - Memorandum by the PresidentPDF iconGC(50)/24
GC50Examination of Delegates' Credentials - Statement of Arab Delegations Concerning their Reservations about the Credentials of the Israeli Delegation Participating in the Fiftieth Session of the IAEA General ConferencePDF iconGC(50)/25
GC50Examination of Delegates' Credentials - Text of Communication dated 20 September 2006 from the Resident Representative of Israel to the International Atomic Energy AgencyPDF iconGC(50)/26
GC50Examination of Delegates' Credentials - Report of the General CommitteePDF iconGC(50)/27
GC50Application of Safeguards in the Middle East - Israeli Nuclear Capabilities and ThreatPDF iconGC(50)/28


GC50Inscription in the List of Speakersin the General DebatePDF iconGC(50)/INF/1
GC50Nuclear Safety Review for the Year 2005PDF iconGC(50)/INF/2
GC50Nuclear Technology Review 2006PDF iconGC(50)/INF/3
GC50Nuclear Technology Review 2006 - AddendumPDF iconGC(50)/INF/3/Add.1
GC50Technical Cooperation Report For 2005PDF iconGC(50)/INF/4
GC50Advance Information for DelegationsPDF iconGC(50)/INF/5
GC50Advance Information for Delegations - AddendumPDF iconGC(50)/INF/5/Add.1
GC50Amendment to Article XIV.A of the Statute - Report by the Director GeneralPDF iconGC(50)/INF/6
GC50Text of Communication dated 13 July 2006 received from the Resident Representative of Georgia to the Agency Concerning Restoration of Voting RightsPDF iconGC(50)/INF/7
GC50Statement of Financial Contributions to the Agency as at 15 September 2006PDF iconGC(50)/INF/9
GC50Report on Measures Taken to Facilitate Payment of Contributions and Status Report on Member States Participating in a Payment PlanPDF iconGC(50)/INF/10
GC50Text of Communication dated 5 September 2006 received from the Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova Concerning Restoration of Voting RightsPDF iconGC(50)/INF/11
GC50Message from the Prime Minister of India on the occasion of the 50th regular session of the General ConferencePDF iconGC(50)/INF/12
GC50Text of statement dated 18 September 2006 from the President of the Russian Federation to the participants of the 50th regular session of the General ConferencePDF iconGC(50)/INF/13

