Operational safety of fuel cycle facilities

The organization operating a fuel cycle facility is responsible for its safe operation. An independent regulatory body provides oversight through inspection and enforcement. The IAEA publishes safety standards to support these bodies, offers review services and organizes training.

The IAEA’s safety standards, developed on the basis of international consensus and best practices, cover all aspects of safety in the operation of nuclear installations, as well as the related regulatory framework and activities. They include requirements for safety management and the organizational and technical aspects of safety during the operational phase of such installations, be they nuclear power plants, research reactors or fuel cycle facilities. They also comprise implementing guides for all major types of facilities.

The Agency also provides technical advisory and safety review services based on the safety standards to help operating organizations achieve and maintain the highest levels of operational safety. For fuel cycle facilities, the Agency offers the Safety Evaluation During Operation (SEDO) service.

The IAEA also provides technical advisory and safety review services to support regulatory bodies to enhance their capacity for independent, effective regulatory supervision of research reactor safety. These services typically result in recommendations conveyed to the host organization so it can take steps to enhancing the operational safety of its installation.

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