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Telling Your Nuclear Story

Webinar Series on Stakeholder Involvement related to Nuclear Power

Date and time

Tuesday, 2 June 2020
Central European Time (UTC/GMT +1 hour)

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The fifth webinar in this series will focus on messaging, storytelling and using plain language to communicate effectively about nuclear power with different stakeholders, including the public. The webinar will explore how to communicate complex information about nuclear power in ways that are engaging and interesting, and that help organizations reach their stakeholder involvement objectives.

During the webinar, international experts will present good practices to follow when communicating about nuclear power. They will emphasize the power of storytelling to convey information that will be understood, retained and shared.

By attending this webinar, you will be able to:

  • Recognize the importance of storytelling for nuclear communication
  • Identify a very practical way to engage the public
  • Get experience of case studies


Dan Barczak, Hyperquake, USA

Cora Blankendaal, NRG, The Netherlands

Malcolm Grimston, Imperial College Centre for Energy Policy and Technology (ICEPT), UK


Lisa Berthelot, IAEA

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