Types of OSART missions

OSART missions to plants in operation

OSART missions can be conducted at any time after a plant begins commercial operation. They are usually not held during the first year of operation, or before completion of the first refuelling outage for light water reactors. Missions to plants in operation, focus on the performance of management processes and plant personnel in achieving safe operation using the IAEA Safety Standards as the basis for the assessment.

Pre-OSART missions to plants undertaking commissioning

Pre-Operational Safety Review Team (Pre-OSART) missions are conducted during the commissioning phase. The missions aim to assist the utility in achieving high standards of commissioning and readiness for safe operations. Pre-OSART missions are ideally conducted three to six months before the first fuel load, after plant processes and procedures affecting safety have been established, plant staff recruited and trained, and some systems have moved to a pre-operational or full operational state. This allows the review to focus on the state of the plant’s preparations for initial fuel load, reactor start-up and operation.

Corporate OSART missions

Corporate OSART missions can be conducted at utilities that own or operate nuclear power plant and possibly conventional plant sites and other business areas. Corporate OSART missions review the utility’s centralized functions that affect operational safety aspects of its nuclear power plants. They are performed on a case-by-case basis, taking into consideration specific corporate organizational structures.

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