Peer Review and Advisory Services Calendar

Mission Title Страна Дата Отчет
SALTO Expert Mission to Mochovce Slovakia 19 – 22 МАРТ 2024
imPACT Review Mission to Gambia Gambia 17 – 23 МАРТ 2024
SALTO Mission to Atucha 1 Argentina 27 ФЕВР – 7 МАРТ 2024
Pre-SALTO Mission to Cernavoda 1 Romania 27 ФЕВР – 7 МАРТ 2024
SEED Mission to Kenya Kenya 22 – 26 ЯНВ 2024
INIR-RR Mission to Kenya Kenya 11 – 19 ДЕК 2023
imPACT Review Mission to Guinea Guinea 5 – 13 ДЕК 2023
OSART Follow-up Mission to Paluel France 4 – 8 ДЕК 2023
ARTEMIS Mission to Belgium Belgium 3 – 13 ДЕК 2023 Download
imPACT Review mission to Comoros Comoros 26 НОЯБ – 2 ДЕК 2023
ARTEMIS Mission to the Kingdom of the Netherlands Kingdom of the Netherlands 19 – 28 НОЯБ 2023 Download
imPACT 2 Review mission to Ethiopia Ethiopia 19 – 24 НОЯБ 2023

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