Photo Essays

The IAEA monitors nuclear material and facilities around the world to provide credible assurances that nuclear technology is only used for peaceful purposes. Over 800 people work at the IAEA Department of Safeguards, each bringing their own unique skills and background. This photo essay highlights six of our staff members: two inspectors, a systems engineer, a spectrometry specialist, a safeguards containment engineer and an IT systems analyst. These are just some of the faces of safeguards who work to make sure that the IAEA fulfils its mission.

Faces of Safeguards

The IAEA monitors nuclear material and facilities around the world to provide credible assurances that nuclear technology is only used for peaceful purposes.


A Look Inside the Heart: Nuclear Medicine in Argentina


Central African Republic — Using Nuclear Techniques for Development, Amid Obstacles

After years of insecurity and internal strife, authorities and scientists from the Central African Republic are again turning to nuclear techniques and nuclear-related techniques for development.


Utilisation des techniques nucléaires face aux obstacles aux fins du développement en République centrafricaine

Après des années d’insécurité et de conflit interne, les autorités et les scientifiques de la République centrafricaine se tournent à nouveau vers les techniques nucléaires et connexes aux fins du développement.


جمهورية أفريقيا الوسطى — تستخدم التقنيات النووية لتحقيق التنمية، في ظل العقبات القائمة (باللغة الإنكليزية)

After years of insecurity and internal strife, authorities and scientists from the Central African Republic are again turning to nuclear techniques and nuclear-related techniques for development.


República Centroafricana — Técnicas nucleares para el desarrollo a pesar de los obstáculos (en inglés)

After years of insecurity and internal strife, authorities and scientists from the Central African Republic are again turning to nuclear techniques and nuclear-related techniques for development.


Центральноафриканская Республика — применение ядерных методов в целях развития несмотря на препятствия (на англ. языке)

After years of insecurity and internal strife, authorities and scientists from the Central African Republic are again turning to nuclear techniques and nuclear-related techniques for development.


中非共和国 — 在重重阻碍中利用核技术促进发展(英文)

After years of insecurity and internal strife, authorities and scientists from the Central African Republic are again turning to nuclear techniques and nuclear-related techniques for development.


Successful Control of the Mediterranean Fruit Fly in Jordan

An IAEA and FAO supported technical cooperation project has been successful in reducing the fruit damage from the Mediterranean fruit fly (or medfly) in the Jordanian Valley due to the introduction of an integrated pest management approach based on  the sterile insect technique (SIT) — a form of birth control for flies.


约旦防治地中海果蝇取得成功 (英文)

An IAEA and FAO supported technical cooperation project has been successful in reducing the fruit damage from the Mediterranean fruit fly (or medfly) in the Jordanian Valley due to the introduction of an integrated pest management approach based on  the sterile insect technique (SIT) — a form of birth control for flies.


Éxito en el control de la mosca mediterránea de la fruta en Jordania (en inglés)

An IAEA and FAO supported technical cooperation project has been successful in reducing the fruit damage from the Mediterranean fruit fly (or medfly) in the Jordanian Valley due to the introduction of an integrated pest management approach based on  the sterile insect technique (SIT) — a form of birth control for flies.


Успешная борьба со средиземноморской плодовой мухой в Иордании (на англ. языке)

An IAEA and FAO supported technical cooperation project has been successful in reducing the fruit damage from the Mediterranean fruit fly (or medfly) in the Jordanian Valley due to the introduction of an integrated pest management approach based on  the sterile insect technique (SIT) — a form of birth control for flies.

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