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IAEA Scientific Forum 2023

26 – 27 September 2023, Vienna International Centre, Vienna

Nuclear Innovations for Net Zero

26–27 September 2023
IAEA Headquarters, Vienna, Austria


Moderator: Ms Hannah Vaughan Jones


9:30–11:00     Opening Session

Opening statement by Mr Rafael Mariano Grossi, Director General, IAEA

H.E. Nana Akufo-Addo, President, Ghana

H.E. Ms Jennifer Granholm, Secretary of Energy, United States of America

H.E. Mr Lee Jong-Ho, Minister, Ministry of Science and ICT (MSIT), Republic of Korea

H.E. Ms Leila Benali, Minister of Energy Transition and Sustainable Development, Kingdom of Morocco

H.E. Mr Daniel Westlén, Vice Minister for Climate and the Environment, Sweden

H.E. Mr François Jacq, General Administrator, French Atomic Energy Commission (CEA), France

Keynote speaker: Isabelle Boemeke, influencer

11:00–13:00     Lunch Break

13:00–14:45     Session 1: New Nuclear Reactors for Energy Production

Dr Sol Pedre, General Manager, CAREM Project, National Atomic Energy Commission, Argentina

- CAREM, a pioneer integrated design PWR SMR (presentation)

Dr Stephane Sarrade, Vice Chairman of the GIF Policy Group

- Overview of Generation IV International Forum (GIF) and Generation IV concepts (presentation)

Mr Stefano Buono, CEO of newcleo

- Lead-cooled Fast Reactors: an opportunity for closing the fuel cycle (presentation)

Ms Lou Martinez Sancho, Vice President, Strategy & Innovation, Kairos Power, United States of America

- Exploring Tomorrow’s Nuclear Energy: New Approaches with Molten Salt Reactors: How Kairos Power is Leveraging a Rapid Iterative Approach and Vertical Integration to Accelerate Innovation and Achieve Cost Certainty (presentation)
Mr Ramzi Jammal, Executive Vice-President and Chief Regulatory Operations Officer Regulatory Operations Branch, Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission, Canada

- Net Zero New Nuclear Reactors for Energy Production and Beyond - Regulator Perspective (presentation)

Dr Nuri Trianti, Researcher, Research Center for Nuclear Reactor Technology, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Indonesia

- Thorium Fuel Cycle, Potential, and Prospective Reactors Using Thorium-Based Fuel  (presentation)

14:45–15:15     Coffee Break

15:15–17:00     Session 2: Innovative Solutions to Support Nuclear Development

Dr Gabi Schneider, Executive Director, Namibian Uranium Institute, Namibia

- Innovations in the front end: Examples from the Namibian uranium sector (Presentation)

Dr Vivek Agarwal, Distinguished Staff Scientist, Idaho National Laboratory, United States of America

- Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Nuclear Operation and Maintenance (Presentation)

Mr Toyoaki Yamauchi, President, International Research Institute for Nuclear Decommissioning, Japan

- Innovation for Fukushima-Daiichi Decommissioning: Future Challenges and Expectations (Presentation)

Dr Federica Pancotti, Technical Innovation Manager, Sogin, Italy,

- Emerging technologies to support decommissioning (Presentation)

Mr Shaun Jenkinson, CEO, Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation, Australia

- ANSTO Synroc® - A safe, secure and sustainable radioactive waste solution (Presentation)

Prof. Paul Monks, Chief Scientific Adviser, Department for Energy Security and Net-Zero, United Kingdom (presentation)

- Sustaining Nuclear Skills through Innovation: How developing innovative nuclear solutions strengthens our nuclear energy capability 


9:30–11:00     Session 3: Nuclear Power Going Beyond Electricity Production

Dr Han Gyu Joo, President, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI), Republic of Korea

- Hydrogen Production by Nuclear Power – Practical Pathways for Gradual Realization (Presentation)

Ms Nadezhda Salnikova, Deputy Project Manager, Afrikantov OKBM, Russian Federation

- Floating nuclear power units for Net Zero industry clusters development in remote regions (Presentation)

Mr Ingmar Ploemen, General Manager, Industrial Elecrification Platforms Technology, Shell

- Nuclear SMR for assets decarbonization: Perspectives for a potential user on uncertainties, opportunities, and obstacles (Presentation)

Dr Khaled Toukan, Chairman, Jordan Atomic Energy Commission, Jordan

- SMRs Deployment for Seawater Desalination in Jordan (Presentation)

Prof. Jiejuan Tong, Institute of Nuclear and New Energy Technology (INET), China

- High Temperature Reactors and their potential uses (Presentation)

11:00-11:25     Nuclear for NetZero: Youth Leading the Way

Ms Grace Stanke, advocate for nuclear energy through her social impact initiative "Clean Energy, Cleaner Future", United States of America

Mr Benjamin Bertaux, Junior Decommissioning Expert, IAEA

Ms Loretta Boahemaa Manu, Associate Transport Safety Officer, IAEA

Ms Yvonne Lin, Nuclear Engineer and Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow, IAEA

11:25–11:45     Coffee Break

11:45–12:45     Closing session: The way forward

Mr Rafael Mariano Grossi, Director General, IAEA

H.E. Mr Kai Mykkänen, Minister of Climate and Environment, Republic of Finland

H.E. Mr Andrew Bowie MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (Minister for Nuclear and Networks), United Kingdom 

Mr Yu Jianfeng, China National Nuclear Corporation Chairman, China  

Mr Peter Baeten, Director General, Belgian Nuclear Research Center SCK CEN, Belgium

Ms Sama Bilbao, Director General of World Nuclear Association

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