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Webinar on Enhancing Nuclear Security through Science & Technology

25 October 2022

Date and Time

Tuesday, 15 November 2022

Time: 10.00 Vienna (Austria), English 

Wednesday, 16 November 2022

Time: 15.00 Vienna (Austria), English and Spanish 

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The Nuclear Security Plan 2022-2025 states that “the Agency will continue to keep abreast of scientific, technological, and engineering innovations, such as through dialogues with Member States (MS) and, as appropriate, with nuclear industry, with a view to confronting current and evolving challenges and risks to nuclear security and as new developments can present opportunities to enhance nuclear security.” Accordingly, the IAEA works with Member States to enhance their ability to effectively, efficiently, and sustainably conduct nuclear security activities through the use of science and technology. This is achieved through coordinated research projects, technical meetings, development of software and hardware tools, and IAEA guidance documents and technical reports.

This webinar will present four tools developed to address Member States’ needs: the Mobile-Integrated Nuclear Security Network (M-INSN), the Minimum Detectable Quantity and Alarm Threshold Evaluation Tool (MDQ-ATET), the Personnel Alarm Assessment Tool (PAAT), and the Tool for Radiation Alarm and Commodity Evaluation (TRACE) phone and desktop applications.

The programme will be similar for Day 1 and Day 2, with Day 2 offering simultaneous interpretation in English and Spanish.


The objective of this webinar is to provide participants with information regarding the availability and testing of several new tools and technology to enhance the ability to effectively, efficiently, and sustainably conduct nuclear security activities.

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