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Date and time
Monday, 29 March 2021
4:00 CET
About the webinar
The purpose of this webinar is to improve the safety performance of the nuclear power industry through information sharing and benchmarking against best performers such as Darlington Nuclear Power Plant.
This 45-minute webinar series invites industry senior executives from top performing organizations to share experience that will increase the resilience of the global nuclear industry. Following the news of Ontario Power Generation’s (OPG) success with the Darlington Refurbishment Project, we are pleased to invite Sean Granville, Chief Nuclear Officer of OPG to give a talk on their success story and share advice for other utilities seeking to successfully overhaul their nuclear fleets or take on other large complex projects while meeting budget and schedule goals.
Sean Granville, Chief Nuclear Officer of OPG (Ontario Power Generation). Biography
Subo Sinnathamby, P.Eng., Senior Vice President, Nuclear Refurbishment. Biography