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Leadership of Women in Emergency Preparedness and Response (EPR): The role of international Network for Education and Training on Emergency Preparedness and Response (iNET-EPR)


Date and Time

Friday, 10 December 2021

11:00 Vienna (Austria) time

Duration: 1.5 Hours 

Register here→


Incident and Emergency Centre serves as the IAEA's focal point for preparedness and response to nuclear and radiological incidents and emergencies (EPR) regardless of their cause, and for strengthening Member States' preparedness for response.

As the understanding of the importance of equal representation of women in different technical areas grows all over the world, the IAEA is also striving towards achieving gender balance in its structures and activities. Globally, women have demonstrated their leadership in different areas on different levels including managerial positions related to EPR. The journey of the senior competent women in EPR could be inspiring to young adults to be seek education and knowledge in the field.

In 2019, the IAEA launched the International Network for Education and Training on EPR (iNET-EPR) as a mutually supportive network of academic educators and practical trainers to assist Member States in enhancing collaboration for sustainable human resource development through education and training and efficient knowledge management. The membership of the iNET-EPR is inclusive for all Member States and it currently counts 179 Points of Contact from 70 Member States. 30 % of these Points of Contact are female, including a vice chair of the iNET-EPR and two out of three chairs of the Working Groups of iNET-EPR while the Bureau has reached gender parity. The iNET-EPR provides a forum to promote and encourage involvement of women in EPR.


This Webinar aims to promote and encourage involvement of women in EPR, encourage Member States to strive towards gender equality in the field, to learn from experienced female leaders in EPR and to discuss the experiences of iNET-EPR female leaders and members.

The specific objectives of the Webinar are to:

  • Share the journey in EPR of experienced female leaders and learn from their experience;
  • Present and share the role iNET-EPR can play in empowering women to pursue carrier paths in EPR;
  • Share the career paths in EPR with the iNET-EPR female leaders, and their role in the Bureau; and

Discuss means of achieving gender balance in EPR related organizations.

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