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Requirement 4 of the IAEA Safety Standards Series No. GSR Part 7 ‘Preparedness and Response for a Nuclear or Radiological Emergency’ requires governments to ensure that a hazard assessment is performed to provide a basis for a graded approach in preparedness and response for a nuclear or radiological emergency.
Some activities and acts (like transport of nuclear materials, attacks using radiological dispersal device or radiological exposure device, detection of radioactive materials out of regulatory control, etc.) can lead to radiological emergency in an unforeseen location and by this represent a hazard that applies for all States and jurisdictions.
Hazard assessment provides the basis for making adequate arrangements for the emergency preparedness and response that are commensurate with the hazards identified and the potential consequences of an emergency.
The objectives of the webinar are:
Mr Ramon de La Vega, Incident and Emergency Centre (IEC), IAEA
Ms Maria Josefa Granada Ferrero, IAEA’s IEC
Mr Alejandro Cortes, Deputy Director General of Nuclear Safety and Safeguards National Commission, Mexico
Ms Maria Josefa Granada Ferrero, IAEA’s IEC