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Human Health Campus
Human Health Campus
Human Health Campus

Woman with persistent low back and pelvic pain. Bone scan 99mTc-MDP.

Teaching Case

Case presentation:

  • Female.
  • 67 y.o.
  • Presentsto tothe thehospital hospital with with persistent persistentlow lowback back and andpelvic pelvicpain pain.
  • History Historyof ofcolon colon cancer cancerwith withsurgical surgicaland andradiation radiation treatment treatment5 5 years yearsbefore before.
  • No other othersymptoms symptoms, no , no weight weightloss loss.
  • Physical examination reveals good general condition.
  • Plain X-ray shows moderate spondylosis, no other remarks.
  • Laboratory tests within normal limits.

Teaching points:

  • Spontaneus fractures (usually secondary to minimal trauma) are not rare in posmenospausal women due to loss of bone mineral matrix.
  • Radiotherapy can also produce alteration of bone matrix.
  • The bone scan pattern is tipycal and should not be confused with bone metastases.
  • Sacrum fractures usually adopt the characteristic "H" pattern.
  • Other lesions of the iliopubic and ischiopubic branches as well as vertebral and rib fractures are frequent.

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