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Human Health Campus
Human Health Campus
Human Health Campus

Previous MI with no intervention

Teaching Case

Case presentation:

  • Female.
  • 68 y.o.
  • Recent acute MI (3 weeks) with no intervention.
  • Discharged with medical treatment.
  • Shortness of breath and chest discomfort.
  • ECG: Atrial fibrillation, complete arrhythmia, Q in V3-V5.
  • The patient underwent a stress/rest myocardial SPECT study with 99mTc-MIBI and dipyridamole.

Teaching points:

  • Non-invasive functional imaging is indicated after AMI for risk stratification and treatment guidance.
  • Inducible ischemia, depressed LVEF and arrhythmias are key prognostic factors and should be addressed promptly in order to decrease the risk for future cardiac events.
  • Complete arrhythmias (especially due to atrial fibrillation) can interfere with gated acquisition, difficulting the evaluation of LVEF and wall motion.

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