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IPC Scientific Papers 2006

Scientific Paper

IPC Scientific Papers 2006

  • B.N. BARNES, A. TARGOVSKA and G. FRANZ (2006) Origin of a Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann), outbreak determined by DNA analysis. African Entomology 14: 205-209.

  • BOURTZIS, K. and A.S. ROBINSON. Insect pest control using Wolbachia and/or radiation. In "Insect Symbiosis II". Eds K. Bourtzis and T. Miller, CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, USA.

  • BRAGA SOBRINHO R.; CACERES, C.; ISLAM A.; WORNOAYPORN V. and W. ENKERLIN. (2006) Diets based on soybean protein for Mediterranean fruit fly. Pesq. Agropec. Bras. 41: 705-708.

  • CHANG C. L.; VARGAS R.; CACERES C.; JANG E. and IL KYU CHO. (2006). Development and assessment of a liquid larval diet for Bactrocera dorsalis (Diptera: Tephritidae) Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 99: 1191-1198.

  • FRANZ, G. (2006). Transgenic arthropods and the sterile insect technique. In: Status and risk assessment of the use of transgenic arthropods in plant protection. IAEA-TECDOC-1483, 37-44.

  • GOOSSENS, B., H. MBWAMBO, A. MSANGI, D. GEYSEN and M.J.B. VREYSEN. (2006). Trypanosomosis prevalence in cattle on Mafia Island (Tanzania). Veterinary Parasitology. 139: 74-83.

  • HELINSKI, M.E., A.G. PARKER and B.G. KNOLS. (2006). Radiation-induced sterility for pupal and adult stages of the malaria vector Anopheles arabiensis: Malaria Journal, v. 5, p. 41.

  • HELINSKI, M.E.H., B. EL-SAYED, and B.G.J. KNOLS. (2006). The Sterile Insect Technique: can established technology beat malaria? Entomologische Berichten, 66, 13-20.

  • HOOD-NOWOTNY, R.C., L. MAYR and B.G.J. KNOLS. (2006). Use carbon-13 as a population marker for Anopheles arabiensis in a Sterile Insect Technique (SIT) context. Malaria Journal, 5, 6.

  • IAEA-TECDOC-1483. (2006). Status and Risk Assessment of the Use of Transgenic Arthropods in Plant Protection.

  • KNOLS, B.G.J. and C. LOUIS (Eds.). (2006). Bridging laboratory and field research for genetic control of disease vectors. Proceedings volume of the joint WHO/TDR, NIH/NIAID, IAEA and Frontis workshop on bridging laboratory and field research for genetic control of disease vectors, Nairobi, Kenya, 14-16 July 2004. Springer/Frontis, Volume 11, pp 225.

  • KNOLS, B.G.J. and H. BOSSIN. (2006). Identification and characterization of field sites for genetic control of disease vectors. In: Bridging laboratory and field research for genetic control of disease vectors (Knols, B.G.J & Louis, C., eds). Springer/Frontis, Volume 11, Chapter 20, pp. 203-209.

  • KNOLS, B.G.J., R. HOOD-NOWOTNY, H. BOSSIN, G. FRANZ, G. ROBINSON, W.R. MUKABANA and S.K. KEMBOI. (2006). GM sterile mosquitoes - a cautionary note. Nature Biotechnology 24: 1067-1068.

  • MUKABANA, W.R., K. KANNADY, G.M. KIAMA, J. IJUMBA, E.M. MATHENGE, I. KICHE, G. NKWENGULILA, L.E.G. MBOERA, D. MTASIWA, Y. YAMAGATA, I.M.C. J. VAN SCHAYK, B.G.J. KNOLS, S.W. LINDSAY, M. CALDAS DE CASTRO, H. MSHINDA, M. TANNER, U. FILLINGER, and G.F. KILLEEN. (2006). Ecologists can enable communities to implement malaria vector control in Africa. Malaria Journal, 5, 9.

  • MUTIKA, G.N., and A.G. PARKER. (2006). Induced sterility of Glossina pallidipes Austen males after irradiation in a nitrogen atmosphere: Entomological Science, 9: 47-53.

  • NJIRU, B.N., W.R. MUKABANA, W. TAKKEN, and B. G. J. KNOLS. (2006). Trapping of the malaria vector Anopheles gambiae with odour-baited MM-X traps in semi-field conditions in western Kenya. Malaria Journal, 5, 39.

  • SCHOLTE, E.-J., B.G. J. KNOLS, and W. TAKKEN. (2006). Infection of the malaria mosquito Anopheles gambiae with the entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium anisopliae reduces bloodfeeding and fecundity. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, 91, 43-49.

  • VAN DEN BERG, H. and B.G.J. KNOLS. (2006). The Farmer Field School: a method for enhancing the role of rural communities in malaria control? Malaria Journal, 5, 3.

  • VAN DEN BOSSCHE, P.K. AKODA, B. DJAGMAH, T. MARCOTTY, R. DE DEKEN, C. KUBI, A. PARKER and J. VAN DEN ABBEELE. (2006). Effect of isometamidium chloride treatment on susceptibility of tsetse flies (Diptera: Glossinidae) to trypanosome infections: Journal of Medical Entomology, 43: 564-567 pp.

  • VERA, M. T., C. CÁCERES, V. WORNOAYPORN, A. ISLAM, A. S. ROBINSON, M. H. DE LA VEGA, J. HENDRICHS and J. P. CAYOL. (2006). Mating incompatibility among populations of the South American fruit fly Anastrepha fraterculus (Wied.) (Diptera: Tephritidae.) Annals of the Entomological Society of America 99: 387-397.

  • VREYSEN, M., H. J. BARCLAY and J. HENDRICHS. (2006). Modelling of preferential mating in area-wide control programs that integrate the release of strains of sterile males-only or both sexes. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 99: 607-616.

  • VREYSEN, M. and J. HENDRICHS. (2006). The potential of integrating the Sterile Insect Technique as an environmentally friendly method for area-wide management of the codling moth (Cydia pomonella). Proceedings of the 6 th. International Conference on Integrated Food Production, Baselga di Piné, Italy, 26-30 September 2004. IOBC/WPRS. pp. 65-71.

  • VREYSEN, M.J.B. (2006). Prospects for area-wide integrated management of tsetse flies (Diptera: Glossinidae) and trypanosomes in sub-Sahara Africa. Revista de la Sociedad Entomologica Argentina 65: 1-21.

  • VREYSEN, M.J.B., J. HENDRICHS and W.R. ENKERLIN. (2006). The sterile insect technique as a component of sustainable area-wide management of selected insect pests of fruits. Journal of Fruit and Ornamental Plant Research. 14:107-130.

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