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Food and Environmental Protection Scientific Papers 2006

Scientific Paper

Food and Environmental Protection Scientific Papers 2006

  • Aysal, P., Mushi, G. and Cannavan, A. (2006). Adaptation of the IAEA-ethyl acetate multiresidue method to determine pesticide residues in wheat flour. Book of abstracts of the International Conference on Pesticide Use in Developing Countries: Environmental Fate, Effects and Public Health Implications, 16-20 October 2006, Arusha, Tanzania, 51. Unsworth, J.B. INFOCRIS and the IUPAC compendium of agrochemical information. Kobe Gazette 6, 11 August 2006.

  • Unsworth, J.B., Ferris, I.G., Gross-Helmert, K., Klaus, P.M., Maestroni, B.M. and Marsella, M. (2006). INFOCRIS and the IUPAC compendium of agrochemical information [pdf, 24kb], In: Book of abstracts of the 11th IUPAC International Congress of Pesticide Chemistry, Kobe, Japan, 6-11 August 2006.

  • Byron, D.H. (2006). Information on Activities of the Joint FAO/IAEA Programme on Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture Relevant to Codex Work (CAC/29 INF/6). 29th Session of the Joint FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius Commission, Geneva, Switzerland, 3-7 July 2006.

  • Brodesser, J., Byron, D.H., Cannavan, A., Ferris, I.G., Gross-Helmert, K., Hendrichs, J., Maestroni, B.M., Unsworth, J., Vaagt, G., and Zapata, F. (2006). Pesticides in developing countries and the International Code of Conduct on the Distribution and the Use of Pesticides [pdf 73kb]. Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety (AGES) Meeting on Risks and Benefits of Pesticides, Vienna, Austria, 30 March 2006.

  • Maestroni, B.M., Ferris, I.G., Brodesser, J., Cannavan, A., Byron, D.H., Gross-Helmert, K. and Rathor, N. (2006). Integrated approaches to assess indicators of the effectiveness of pesticide management practices: Challenges and opportunities for developing countries [pdf 59kb]. Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety (AGES) Meeting on Risks and Benefits of Pesticides, Vienna, Austria, 30 March 2006.


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