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Doubly Labelled Water technique to assess TEE

E-learning Course

This module provides an introduction to the doubly labelled water technique (DLW), the ‘gold standard’ or reference method for measuring total energy expenditure (TEE). The module is based on information in IAEA Human Health Series No. 3Assessment of Body Composition and Total Energy Expenditure in Humans Using Stable Isotope Techniques.

Learning outcomes

By the end of this module, the learner will be able to:

  • Explain the scientific basis of the DLW technique of measuring TEE
  • Recognize the importance of the DLW technique in the assessment of TEE
  • Describe the practical steps to be taken to ensure good quality data collection
  • Recognize the relative merits of other commonly employed methods of energy expenditure measurement relative to the DLW technique


1 – Introduction
2 – Components of TEE
3 – Assessment of Energy Expenditure
4 – Doubly Labelled Water
5 – DLW protocol
6 – Summary 
7 – Final Quiz

How to access

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1) Full learning experience (with certificate of completion)

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2) Just-in-time standalone e-learning module (without certificate of completion)

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