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Development and Field Evaluation of Animal Feed Supplementation Packages


Proceedings of the final review meeting of an IAEA Technical Co-operation Regional AFRA Project organized by the Animal Production and Health (APH), Joint FAO/IAEA Programme and held in Cairo, Egypt, 25-29 November 2000. IAEA-TECDOC-1294, Vienna (June 2002).

If you wish more information about this publication, then please E-mail to NAFA - Animal Production and Health Section Contact point.

- Table of Contents 46 KB
Summary 62 KB


- Principles of ration formulation for ruminants 63 KB
On-farm treatment of straws and stovers with urea 72 KB
Applications of the in vitro gas method in the evaluation of feed resources, and enhancement of nutritional value of tannin-rich tree/browse leaves and agro-industrial by-products 118 KB

Country Reports

The use of poultry waste as a dietary supplement for ruminants 71 KB
The economics of feeding concentrate to partially-milked Sanga cows in the dry season 71 KB
Responses to dry season supplementation by dairy cows on the highland zones of Madagascar 75 KB
Potential of fodder tree/shrub legumes as a feed resource for dry season supplementation of smallholder ruminant animals 74 KB
Enhancing the performance of cut-and-carry based dairy production in selected peri-urban areas of The United Republic of Tanzania through strategic feed supplementation 77 KB
Evaluation of the comparative growth and reproductive performance of West African dwarf goats in the Western Highlands of Cameroon 96 KB
Mineral supplementation in Tunisian smallholder dairy farms 59 KB
Evaluation of forage legume Lablab purpureus as a supplement for lactating Bunaji cows 67 KB
Development and field evaluation of animal feed supplementation packages for improving meat and milk production in ruminant livestock using locally available feed resources 71 KB
The effect of supplementation strategies on reproductive and productive performance of cows kept under different husbandry systems in Sudan 101 KB
Mixed crop-livestock production systems of smallholder farmers in sub-humid and semi-arid areas of Zambia 59 KB
Livestock sector in Zambia: Opportunities and limitations 60 KB
Some tools to combat dry season nutritional stress in ruminants under African conditions 70 KB
Availability and feeding quality characteristics of on-farm produced feed resources in the traditional smallholder sector in Zambia 81 KB

List of Participants 43 KB
Full Document 670 KB

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