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Safety of Radiation Sources and Security of Radioactive Materials

Proceedings of an International Conference Held in Dijon, France, 14–18 September 1998

Proceedings Series - International Atomic Energy Agency

English STI/PUB/1042 ¦ 92-0-101499-6

399 pages ¦ 9 figures ¦ € 87.00 ¦ Date published: 1999

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Proceedings of an international conference jointly organized by the EC, IAEA, Interpol and WCO and held in Dijon, France, 14-18 September 1998. The conference was the first of its kind devoted to this subject and brought together radiation safety experts, regulators, and customs and police officers, in order to foster information exchange through a review of the state of the art and open discussions. The need was expressed for the formulation of international recommendations concerned with the effective operation of national systems for ensuring the safety of radiation sources and the security of radioactive materials. These proceedings contain the keynote address, the invited papers, summaries of discussions and session summaries. Together with IAEA-TECDOC-1045, published in 1998 prior to the conference, they constitute the complete record of the conference.
Contents: Opening session; The problem; Response from international organizations; The regulatory control of radiation sources, including systems for notification, authorization (registration and licensing) and inspection; Safety assessment techniques applied to radiation sources: Design and technological measures, including defence in depth and good engineering practice; Managerial measures, including safety culture, human factors, quality assurance, qualified experts, training and education; Learning from operational experience; International co-operation, including reporting systems and databases; Verification of compliance, monitoring of compliance: Assessment of the effectiveness of national programmes for the safety of sources, including development of performance indicators; Measures to prevent breaches in the security of radioactive materials (from production to disposal), experience with criminal acts involving radioactive materials; Detection and identification techniques for illicitly trafficked radioactive materials (I and II); Response to detected cases and seized radioactive materials, strengthening of the awareness, training, and exchange of information; Summaries by chairpersons of the technical sessions.

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