This publication compiles the output and findings of a technical meeting organized by the IAEA. The use of personal computer based basic principle simulators in education and training is aimed at enhancing understanding of nuclear technologies through 'learning by doing'. This hands-on experiential training is highly suitable for operators, maintenance technicians, suppliers, regulators, students and engineers. Experts from 21 Member States, together with IAEA staff, presented the current status of the personal computer based basic principle simulators and their applications in education and training, and identified relevant gaps and needs for improvements and/or new development. The resultant publication includes summaries of the presentations, follow-up discussions as well as conclusions and recommendations for possible future activities.
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Qualification and Training of Personnel, Nuclear Power Plants, Employees, Operators, Computer Simulation, Synthetic Training Devices, Education, Nuclear Power Programmes, Proceedings, Nuclear Technologies, Member States, Applications, Improvement, Development, Recommendations, Analysis, PC Based Basic Principle Simulators, Knowledge Based Skill, Systematic Approach to Training, SAT, Technical Meeting, Human Resource Development