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Justification of Practices, Including Non-Medical Human Imaging

General Safety Guide

IAEA Safety Standards Series No. GSG-5
General Safety Guide

English STI/PUB/1650 ¦ 978-92-0-102414-5

57 pages ¦ 2 figures ¦ € 32.00 ¦ Date published: 2014

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This Safety Guide was developed to assist governments and regulatory bodies with the assessment of particularly challenging proposals for the use of radiation; in particular, in human imaging for purposes other than medical diagnosis, medical treatment or biomedical research, such as for security screening at airports. It complements the guidance provided in the IAEA Safety Guide on the Regulatory Control of Radiation Sources. It provides guidance to governments and regulatory bodies on the elements that should be considered and the process that should be applied in determining whether the introduction of a particular type of practice is justified. It is intended to assist in the decision making process when confronted with a need or a request to authorize a novel type of practice or a need to review the justification of types of practice that are already established. The publication also provides some guidance to those wishing to demonstrate to the government or regulatory body that a particular type of practice is justified.

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IAEA Safety Standards, Radiation Protection, Ionizing Radiation, Safety Measures, Imaging Systems, Practices, Governments, Regulatory Bodies, Organizations, Decision Making, Security Measures, Justification, Recommendations, Non-Medical Purposes, Security Screening, Applications, Case Studies, Age Determination, X-Ray Scanning, Human Imaging

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