Coordinated Research Projects – Plant Breeding and Genetics Section

Accelerated Genetic Improvement of Key Dryland Millets for Climate Change Adaptation

Coordinated Research Project ¦ September 2023 ¦ CRP Code: D24016 ¦ Active - Ongoing

An Integrative Approach to Enhance Disease Resistance Against Fusarium Wilt (Foc TR4) in Banana – Phase II

Coordinated Research Project ¦ September 2022 ¦ CRP Code: D23033 ¦ Active - Ongoing

Radiation-induced crop diversity and genetic associations for accelerating variety development

Coordinated Research Project ¦ September 2021 ¦ CRP Code: D24015 ¦ Active - Ongoing

Disease Resistance in Rice and Wheat for Better Adaptation to Climate Change

Coordinated Research Project ¦ April 2018 ¦ CRP Code: D23032 ¦ Active - Ongoing

Improving Resilience to Drought in Rice and Sorghum through Mutation Breeding

Coordinated Research Project ¦ February 2017 ¦ CRP Code: D23031 ¦ Closed

Mutation Breeding for Resistance to Striga Parasitic Weeds in Cereals for Food Security

Coordinated Research Project ¦ December 2015 ¦ CRP Code: D25005 ¦ Closed

Efficient Screening Techniques to Identify Mutants with Disease Resistance for Coffee and Banana

Coordinated Research Project ¦ July 2015 ¦ CRP Code: D22005 ¦ Closed

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