Coordinated Research Projects – Nuclear Security of Materials Outside of Regulatory Control Section

Advancing Maintenance, Repair, and Calibration of Radiation Detection Equipment

Coordinated Research Project ¦ December 2018 ¦ CRP Code: J02014 ¦ Active - Ongoing

Applying Nuclear Forensic Science to Respond to a Nuclear Security Event

Coordinated Research Project ¦ March 2018 ¦ CRP Code: J02013 ¦ Active - Ongoing

Advancing Radiation Detection Equipment for Detecting Nuclear and Other Radioactive out of Material Out of Regulatory Control

Coordinated Research Project ¦ September 2016 ¦ CRP Code: J02012 ¦ Active - Ongoing

Improved Assessment of Initial Alarms from Radiation Detection Instruments

Coordinated Research Project ¦ October 2014 ¦ CRP Code: J02005 ¦ Closed

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