Learning and training

The IAEA offers a wide spectrum of learning and training activities, as well as educational resources and capacity-building programmes. These include face-to-face training courses and workshops, fellowship programmes and schools on various nuclear-related topics. The IAEA also offers more than 120 online learning courses and webinars, from beginner to expert level, which can be accessed after registering with the Agency’s Nucleus portal (registration and login accessible when choosing a specific online course).


Environmental Remediation - Participatory Approaches to Environmental Remediation Decision-Making

This panel brings together decision-making stakeholders of different areas (e.g.


Environmental Remediation - Recent Developments in Groundwater Remediation

This webinar reviews the necessary steps to be considered in remediation of groundwater and addresses innovative approach on monitoring well optimization.


Environmental Remediation - Regional working group - Africa – Site characterisation considerations and safety assessment approaches for NORM sites

This webinar was organised with the aid of the so called Regional Coordinator and comprised discussions that were relevant to and addressed specific regional issues in the field of NORM and Environmental Remediation.IAEA Network of Environmental Management and Remediation - ENVIRONET


Environmental Remediation - Regional working group - Latin America - Panel on the main challenges and issues in the region vis-à-vis Environmental Remediation and NORM

This webinar was organised with the aid of the so called Regional Coordinator and comprised discussions that were relevant to and addressed specific regional issues in the field of NORM and Environmental Remediation.IAEA Network of Environmental Management and Remediation - ENVIRONET


Environmental Remediation - Regional working group - Asia - Panel on the Main Challenges and Issues in the Region vis-à-vis Environmental Remediation and NORM

This webinar was organised with the aid of the so called Regional Coordinator and comprised discussions that were relevant to and addressed specific regional issues in the field of NORM and Environmental Remediation.IAEA Network of Environmental Management and Remediation - ENVIRONET


Environmental Remediation - Regional working group - Europe - Decision Support Tools for Environmental Management and Sustainable Remediation Projects

This webinar was organised with the aid of the so called Regional Coordinator and comprised discussions that were relevant to and addressed specific regional issues in the field of NORM and Environmental Remediation.IAEA Network of Environmental Management and Remediation - ENVIRONET


Environmental Remediation - Remediation Approaches and Knowledge Management in Context of the Aftermath of a Nuclear Accident

This webinar reviews lessons learned with the remediation of off-site areas affected by the Fukushima Daiichi NPP accident in 2011.


Environmental Remediation - Social Multi-Criteria Analysis in Support of Decision-Making Processes in Environmental Remediation - part 1

The purpose of the event was to present a Social Multi-Criteria Evaluation (SMCE) operational framework useful to address the integration of a plurality of technical aspects and social views into a decision-making and policy assessment framework in a coherent and transparent manner.


Environmental Remediation - Social Multi-Criteria Analysis in Support of Decision-Making Processes in Environmental Remediation - part2

The purpose of the event is to present a Social Multi-Criteria Evaluation (SMCE) operational framework useful to address the integration of a plurality of technical aspects and social views into a decision-making and policy assessment framework in a coherent and transparent manner.


Environmental Remediation - The Use of Final Covers in the Remediation of Contaminated Sites

The purpose of the event is to provide the attendees an overview of the key aspects related to the design and construction of engineered containment barriers (in this case caps) for materials (wastes) generated in the remediation/clean-up of contaminated sites including mill tailings.IAEA Network


Environmental Remediation - Use of computational codes to support the decision making in environmental remediation projects

This webinar discusses the different aspects related to the use o mathematical models in the scope of environmental remediation, such as formulation of the Conceptual Site Model, governing equations, parameter values, probabilistic x deterministic models, uncertainties and communication of result


Environmental Remediation - Using Risk Assessment to Guide Environmental Remediation Decisions

In the webinar it has been discussed opportunities and constraints to identifying appropriate dose- and risk-based remediation objectives and cleanup standards.

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