Learning and training

The IAEA offers a wide spectrum of learning and training activities, as well as educational resources and capacity-building programmes. These include face-to-face training courses and workshops, fellowship programmes and schools on various nuclear-related topics. The IAEA also offers more than 120 online learning courses and webinars, from beginner to expert level, which can be accessed after registering with the Agency’s Nucleus portal (registration and login accessible when choosing a specific online course).


Elemental Analysis for Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry

This course gives a general overview on Elemental Analysis for Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry(IRMS).


Engaging with Policy and Decision Makers: Knowledgeable and Interested Leaders

The tenth webinar in this series will highlight some of the ways in which the professional and technical community can engage with policy and decision makers.


Environmental Modelling and Assessment for Legacy Trench Sites

This is the second webinar presented by IAEA Legacy Trench Site Community of Practice (CoP). The webinar will introduce the overall approach and good practices gathered from the ‘LeTrench’ project regarding the environmental modelling and assessment of legacy trench sites.


Environmental Remediation - After Mining in France - Remediated Mining Sites Management

The webinar covered the following topics: Uranium mines in France; Activities in after mines: monitoring, water treatment, relationships with stakeholders; Second life of sites and Projects - National Plan for the Management of Radioactive Wastes for after mines: waste rocks management in public


Environmental Remediation - Development and Implementation of Programmes for Environmental Monitoring and Aftercare at Complex Remediation Sites

This webinar addresses the principles for the development of environmental monitoring and aftercare programs and the different types of monitoring that should be implemented before, during, and after remediation.


Environmental Remediation - Holistic Approach to NORM Management

The webinar covered the following topics: Uranium mines in France; Activities in after mines: monitoring, water treatment, relationships with stakeholders; Second life of sites and Projects - National Plan for the Management of Radioactive Wastes for after mines: waste rocks management in public


Environmental Remediation - Laboratory measuring techniques for radionuclides in NORM samples: Difficulties and challenges

The accurate determination of the radionuclide content in NORM samples of different types or origins is far from straightforward and not easily achieved in laboratories devoted to the determination of radionuclides in environmental samples.


Environmental Remediation - Lifecycle Approaches to Environmental Management to Enable Future Activities

The purpose of the workshop is to share lessons learned and progress made with environmental remediation programmes by means of the adoption of enhanced technologies, operating standards, good practices and expanded waste management approaches.


Environmental Remediation - Multi-Criteria Decision-Aid Tools in Environmental Remediation

Making decisions in complex contexts is indeed a very challenging endeavour. In many circumstances that is the case of making decision in the scope of Environmental Remediation when technical, economical, regulatory (safety) and social dimensions need to be all considered.


Environmental Remediation - Overview of Saskatchewan's Legacy Uranium Mine Site Remediation

Webinar provides an overview of Saskatchewan’s legacy uranium mining sites in Canada.

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