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Use of Social Media to Achieve Interaction with the Public on Medical Radiation Protection

The IAEA's Division of Public Information organized an interactive session with the public through social media to encourage people to address their medical radiation protection questions to experts. Questions received over a stipulated period of about a week were pooled. Two experts answered selected questions that pertained to medical radiation protection.

According to the IAEA's Division of Public Information, the event "Ask an Expert in Radiation Protection" had unprecedented popularity. 140 people connected to and tweeted this event, commenting or asking questions. The overall discussion was very scientific. The information on radiation protection of patients posted during the event week received an average of 35,000 impressions per post and over 50 likes.

More than 15,000 impressions (number of people who saw these posts) for each video have been observed during the three weeks following the posting of the videos. The feedback on the videos and the important scientific information contained therein was very positive, congratulatory and appreciative. Please see links below for answers to questions:

List of selected questions received during “Ask the expert” campaign through facebook. 

Marilyn Goske

Madan Rehani


Last update: 02 Dec 2020

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