IAEA Director General Mohamed ElBaradei is delivering key speeches in November on the IAEA's international role and global efforts against the spread of nuclear weapons.
On 11 November, he is scheduled to address the United Nations General Assembly in New York, reviewing the top challenges and issues facing the Agency. On 14 November, he is delivering a keynote address in Washington, DC, focusing on ways to strengthen global efforts to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons, including the importance of IAEA verification, and to achieve nuclear disarmament. The venue is the 2002 Carnegie International Non-Proliferation Conference, being held 14-15 November, sponsored by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.
With global attention squarely on the cases of Iraq and North Korea, the Director General in recent weeks has been actively engaged in presenting the IAEA's role, notably its work as the world's nuclear inspectorate.
- On 30 October, US President George Bush and senior US officials met with Dr. ElBaradei and Dr. Hans Blix, Executive Chairman of the United Nations Monitoring, Verification, and Inspection Commission (UNMOVIC) on the issue of arms inspections in Iraq.
- On 28 October, Dr. ElBaradei and Dr. Blix briefed the UN Security Council as part of its consultations on the Iraq case, urging a clear mandate to disarm Iraq. At a UN press briefing following the day's discussions, Dr. ElBaradei emphasized the importance of "unified Council support" and reaffirmed the need for "explicit authority, good practical arrangements and information from all Member States as to how and where to go" to ensure that Iraq has completely disarmed. "In our discussion with the Security Council," he added, "both Dr. Blix and I emphasized the importance of having the inspection operation be completely impartial, completely objective, and that we maintain fully our independence."
- On 22 October, the Director General met in London with UK Foreign Secretary Jack Straw on nuclear inspections in Iraq.
During his October meetings, Dr. ElBaradei conducted a range of television, radio, and newspaper interviews on the issues of Iraq, North Korea, and Agency inspection responsibilities to help prevent the spread of nuclear weapons. They included: