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The Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Fruit Flies of Economic Importance Have Been Published


The Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Fruit Flies of Economic Importance that took place in Thailand in 2014 were published online today. The publication can be viewed here. The document contains thirty-four papers on a broad range of topics concerning fruit flies, including area-wide programmes, control methods and supporting technology, chemical ecology and attractants, biology, ecology, physiology and behaviour, the Sterile Insect Technique, natural enemies and biological control, and risk analysis.

The symposium is a quadrennial event that first took place in Greece in 1982, and has since been held on five continents, reflecting the widespread nature of the economic threat posed by fruit flies. The 10th meeting will take place in Tapachula, Mexico on 23-27 April 2018.

IAEA Deputy Director General Aldo Malavasi, who chaired the International Fruit Fly Steering Committee responsible for organizing the 9th Symposium, commented on the rising global demand for fresh fruit and vegetables and recognized their importance in addressing non-communicable diseases, such as diabetes and obesity. “The global market for fresh produce is a lucrative economic opportunity for many countries, but the threat of the many fruit fly species can be a serious deterrent. These symposia are an ideal opportunity to share global know-how on the issue and the papers published today in the Proceedings reflect the essential advances that can be, and are being, made”.

Mr Malavasi recognised the work of the organisers of the 9th Symposium and especially the editors of these Proceedings (Beatriz Sabater-Muñoz, Teresa Vera, Rui Pereira and Watchreeporn Orankanok) – and the role of the Joint FAO/IAEA Division that has supported and participated in all nine Symposia over the past 35 years.

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